
Member since 08/02/2009

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Meander365's Recent SnippetsTagged javascript

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Adapted so a delay can be applied on mouseleave.
1 771 posted 14 years ago by Meander365
This is a cut down example using custom tabs (you can easily add a custom ajax event to load in content - just follow Ben Alman's example).
0 1136 posted 14 years ago by Meander365
Allow events to bubble up the DOM to overseeing handlers.
2 949 posted 14 years ago by Meander365
Also includes the fix for when the user resizes the window.
4 849 posted 14 years ago by Meander365
Handy. Hide an element as soon as possible, before document.ready. The element gets hidden but only when a class is applied to the html via js.
1 832 posted 14 years ago by Meander365
I can see this being useful for when you want to pass a lot of associated data to an event handler from elements and their chosen trigger action.
1 943 posted 14 years ago by Meander365
One bind event, multiple events. Handy.
2 866 posted 14 years ago by Meander365
For those multiple rollovers - and their multiple flashes! The solution is to stop(!) them.
2 834 posted 14 years ago by Meander365
Dave Metvin\'s method. Two tricks to the method:\r\n\r\n$($boxes[div++] || []) - increaments \"div\" and passes an empty array if the element doesnt exist (so it exists).\r\n\r\narguments.callee - the name of the function currently being executed.
1 834 posted 14 years ago by Meander365
Uses html5 geolocation to determine device position and sets this as the starting point for directions on a Google Map. Use modernizer to detect support.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
1 1238 posted 14 years ago by Meander365
Great for those situations where you need an element fixed on a page - so when a user scrolls it stays in the same position - *relative to its parent element*.
0 922 posted 14 years ago by Meander365
A small plugin that you can use in the jQuery chain to delay the next in queue. For those using a jQuery library pre 1.4 (v1.4 + has .delay() ). $('.notice').fadeIn().idle(2000).fadeOut('slow');
0 781 posted 14 years ago by Meander365
Use to debug javascript in all browsers.
0 775 posted 14 years ago by Meander365
I was recently faced with the problem of setting focus to the next input field. The challenge was that I didn’t know what that field was. So given an input field, find the next logical (in the order of the DOM) input field and set focus. I came up...
1 1238 posted 15 years ago by Meander365
Create two new bookmarks - one for dev, one for live and add the following corresponding code to each.
1 943 posted 15 years ago by Meander365
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