Revision: 58249
Updated Code
at July 4, 2012 06:39 by _reydin_
Updated Code
@echo off TITLE Add Date set RENAMED="%userprofile%\Desktop\Output_Renamed" echo This batch file will copy all the files from a directory and save them echo to %RENAMED%. It will also add the current echo date to the files' name. ECHO. ECHO. echo For questions about this program please contact Corey. ECHO. ECHO. pause goto START :START cls set Loc="%userprofile%\Desktop\Input_Renamed" echo. echo Your current working directory is %Loc% set /p INPUT=Would you like to use this directory? y/n or q for quit: echo. REM Get, cut and set the date variable. for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/- " %%a in ('date /t') do set XDate=%%a%%b%%c REM Depending on the user's answer from above do the following. IF /i %INPUT% == y goto CURRENT IF /i %INPUT% == n goto OTHER IF /i %INPUT% == q goto END IF /i %INPUT% NEQ y goto INVALID IF /i %INPUT% NEQ n goto INVALID IF /i %INPUT% NEQ q goto INVALID REM Rename the files in the current working directory. :CURRENT IF NOT EXIST %Loc% goto NOINPUTDIR REM Create the Renamed_Files directory on the user's desktop if it does not exist. IF NOT EXIST %RENAMED% mkdir %RENAMED% cd %Loc% for /f "tokens=*" %%b in ('dir /b') do ( copy "%%b" %RENAMED% ) ECHO. REM 1st way of renaming. Works if there is only one period. REM ren *.* ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????_%XDate%*.* REM 2nd way of renaming. Put the date on the front of the filename. REM for /f "tokens=*" %%b in ('dir /b') do ( REM ren "%%b" "%XDate% REM 3rd way of renaming cd %RENAMED% for /f "tokens=*" %%b in ('dir /b') do ( ren "%%b" "%%~nb_%XDate%%%~xb" ) dir /b goto END REM Rename the files in another specified directory. :OTHER cls set /p DIRPATH=Enter the full path of the directory or q to quit: IF /i %DIRPATH% == q goto END IF /i %DIRPATH% == c: goto WINDOWS IF /I %DIRPATH% == c:\ goto WINDOWS IF /i %DIRPATH% == %WINDIR% goto WINDOWS echo. echo You entered %DIRPATH% set /p CORPATH=Is this correct? y/n or q for quit: ECHO. REM Do the following depending on the user's entry. IF /i %CORPATH% == y goto RENOTHER IF /i %CORPATH% == n goto OTHER IF /i %CORPATH% == q goto END IF /i %CORPATH% NEQ y goto INVALID IF /i %CORPATH% NEQ n goto INVALID IF /i %CORPATH% NEQ q goto INVALID REM This part is used to rename files that are located in another directory. :RENOTHER IF NOT EXIST %DIRPATH% goto NOTTHERE IF NOT EXIST %RENAMED% mkdir %RENAMED% cd %DIRPATH% for /f "tokens=*" %%b in ('dir /b') do ( copy "%%b" %RENAMED% ) ECHO. cd %RENAMED% for /f "tokens=*" %%b in ('dir /b') do ( ren "%%b" "%%~nb_%XDate%%%~xb" ) echo. dir /b goto END :WINDOWS ECHO. ECHO This is the Windows directory. Can't rename. ECHO. goto OTHER :NOTTHERE echo. ECHO The directory could not be found! echo. set /p TRYAGAIN=Would you like to try again? y/n IF /i %TRYAGAIN% == y goto OTHER IF /i %TRYAGAIN% == n goto END IF /i %TRYAGAIN% NEQ y goto INVALID IF /i %TRYAGAIN% NEQ n goto INVALID :INVALID echo. echo Your input was not recognized! pause goto END :NOINPUTDIR cls ECHO I'm sorry but your Input_Renamed directory does not exist. ECHO. ECHO You must create Input_Renamed directory on your Desktop and copy the files you ECHO want to rename to that directory. Otherwise, please specify a different ECHO directory to use. ECHO. set /p TRYAGAIN=Would you like me to create the Input_Renamed directory? y/n or d to specify another directory: IF /i %TRYAGAIN% == y goto INPUTDIRCREATE IF /i %TRYAGAIN% == n goto END IF /i %TRYAGAIN% == d goto OTHER IF /i %TRYAGAIN% NEQ y goto INVALID IF /i %TRYAGAIN% NEQ n goto INVALID IF /i %TRYAGAIN% NEQ d goto INVALID :INPUTDIRCREATE cls mkdir %Loc% ECHO Input_Renamed has been created on your Desktop. Please copy the files to ECHO that directory or specify another directory. goto START :END echo. echo. echo Exiting the program, HAVE A NICE DAY! echo. pause
Revision: 58248
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at July 4, 2012 06:36 by _reydin_
Initial Code
@echo off TITLE Salmons PC set RENAMED="%userprofile%\Desktop\Output_Renamed" echo This batch file will copy all the files from a directory and save them echo to %RENAMED%. It will also add the current echo date to the files' name. ECHO. ECHO. echo For questions about this program please contact Corey. ECHO. ECHO. pause goto START :START cls set Loc="%userprofile%\Desktop\Input_Renamed" echo. echo Your current working directory is %Loc% set /p INPUT=Would you like to use this directory? y/n or q for quit: echo. REM Get, cut and set the date variable. for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/- " %%a in ('date /t') do set XDate=%%a%%b%%c REM Depending on the user's answer from above do the following. IF /i %INPUT% == y goto CURRENT IF /i %INPUT% == n goto OTHER IF /i %INPUT% == q goto END IF /i %INPUT% NEQ y goto INVALID IF /i %INPUT% NEQ n goto INVALID IF /i %INPUT% NEQ q goto INVALID REM Rename the files in the current working directory. :CURRENT IF NOT EXIST %Loc% goto NOINPUTDIR REM Create the Renamed_Files directory on the user's desktop if it does not exist. IF NOT EXIST %RENAMED% mkdir %RENAMED% cd %Loc% for /f "tokens=*" %%b in ('dir /b') do ( copy "%%b" %RENAMED% ) ECHO. REM 1st way of renaming. Works if there is only one period. REM ren *.* ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????_%XDate%*.* REM 2nd way of renaming. Put the date on the front of the filename. REM for /f "tokens=*" %%b in ('dir /b') do ( REM ren "%%b" "%XDate% REM 3rd way of renaming cd %RENAMED% for /f "tokens=*" %%b in ('dir /b') do ( ren "%%b" "%%~nb_%XDate%%%~xb" ) dir /b goto END REM Rename the files in another specified directory. :OTHER cls set /p DIRPATH=Enter the full path of the directory or q to quit: IF /i %DIRPATH% == q goto END IF /i %DIRPATH% == c: goto WINDOWS IF /I %DIRPATH% == c:\ goto WINDOWS IF /i %DIRPATH% == %WINDIR% goto WINDOWS echo. echo You entered %DIRPATH% set /p CORPATH=Is this correct? y/n or q for quit: ECHO. REM Do the following depending on the user's entry. IF /i %CORPATH% == y goto RENOTHER IF /i %CORPATH% == n goto OTHER IF /i %CORPATH% == q goto END IF /i %CORPATH% NEQ y goto INVALID IF /i %CORPATH% NEQ n goto INVALID IF /i %CORPATH% NEQ q goto INVALID REM This part is used to rename files that are located in another directory. :RENOTHER IF NOT EXIST %DIRPATH% goto NOTTHERE IF NOT EXIST %RENAMED% mkdir %RENAMED% cd %DIRPATH% for /f "tokens=*" %%b in ('dir /b') do ( copy "%%b" %RENAMED% ) ECHO. cd %RENAMED% for /f "tokens=*" %%b in ('dir /b') do ( ren "%%b" "%%~nb_%XDate%%%~xb" ) echo. dir /b goto END :WINDOWS ECHO. ECHO This is the Windows directory. Can't rename. ECHO. goto OTHER :NOTTHERE echo. ECHO The directory could not be found! echo. set /p TRYAGAIN=Would you like to try again? y/n IF /i %TRYAGAIN% == y goto OTHER IF /i %TRYAGAIN% == n goto END IF /i %TRYAGAIN% NEQ y goto INVALID IF /i %TRYAGAIN% NEQ n goto INVALID :INVALID echo. echo Your input was not recognized! pause goto END :NOINPUTDIR cls ECHO I'm sorry but your Input_Renamed directory does not exist. ECHO. ECHO You must create Input_Renamed directory on your Desktop and copy the files you ECHO want to rename to that directory. Otherwise, please specify a different ECHO directory to use. ECHO. set /p TRYAGAIN=Would you like me to create the Input_Renamed directory? y/n or d to specify another directory: IF /i %TRYAGAIN% == y goto INPUTDIRCREATE IF /i %TRYAGAIN% == n goto END IF /i %TRYAGAIN% == d goto OTHER IF /i %TRYAGAIN% NEQ y goto INVALID IF /i %TRYAGAIN% NEQ n goto INVALID IF /i %TRYAGAIN% NEQ d goto INVALID :INPUTDIRCREATE cls mkdir %Loc% ECHO Input_Renamed has been created on your Desktop. Please copy the files to ECHO that directory or specify another directory. goto START :END echo. echo. echo Exiting the program, HAVE A NICE DAY! echo. pause
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Initial Description
This is a batch file that will add the date to the end of all files in a particular directory located on the user's desktop and place them in a directory called Output_Renamed on the user's desktop.
Initial Title
Add a current date to a file
Initial Tags
date, file
Initial Language
DOS Batch