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Revision: 52897
at November 4, 2011 07:32 by parkerkrhoyt

Initial Code
$( '#translate' ).bind( 'touchstart', function( e ) {
  var phrases = [
  $( '#response' ).empty();
  $( '<source>' )
    .attr( 'src', 'phrases/' + phrases[phrase] )
    .appendTo( '#response' );
  loaded = 0;
  document.getElementById( 'response' ).load();  
  if( phrase == 4 )
    phrase = 0; 
  } else {
    phrase = phrase + 1;
} );

$( '#response' ).bind( 'progress', function( e ) {
  var audio = document.getElementById( 'response' );
  var duration = audio.duration;
  var end = audio.buffered.end( 0 );
  // Progress gets fired twice
  // Only want to play once
  if( loaded < 100 )
    loaded = parseInt( ( ( end / duration ) * 100 ) )
    // console.log( loaded );  
    if( loaded == 100 )
      document.getElementById( 'response' ).play();      
} );

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Play an Audio File with the HTML Audio Tag

Initial Tags
file, html, web

Initial Language