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Revision: 40328
at January 31, 2011 03:56 by peckham

Updated Code

   Copyright (c) 2011 Koen Ekelschot


   Version 1.0.1 - Jan. 30, 2011

   A jQuery plugin which replaces <select> elements with a fancy dropdown menu


   - $(selector).fancyDropdown(); //returns jQuery chainable object
   - jQuery hasEventListener plugin by sebastien-p:


(function($) {
 	$.fn.fancyDropdown = function() {
		return this.each(function() {
			var el = $(this);
			var id = $(this).attr('id');
			//create needed HTML
			var html = '<div class="dropdown" id="'+id+'_dropdown"></div><ul class="dropdownlist" id="'+id+'_dropdownlist">';
			$('option', el).each(function() {
				var realvalue = $(this).attr("value");
				var img = $(this).attr("data-img");
				var info = $(this).attr("data-info");
				if (info == null) {
					html += '<li data-realvalue="'+realvalue+'"><div class="imgholder"><img src="'+img+'" /></div><p class="no-info"><strong>'+$(this).text()+'</strong></p><div class="clearfix"></div>';
				} else {
					html += '<li data-realvalue="'+realvalue+'"><div class="imgholder"><img src="'+img+'" /></div><p><strong>'+$(this).text()+'</strong><br />'+info+'</p><div class="clearfix"></div>';
			html += '</ul>';
			//set initial values
			var initoption = $('li[data-realvalue="'+el.val()+'"]', $('#'+id+'_dropdownlist'));
			initoption.attr('class', 'active');
			$('#'+id+'_dropdown').attr('data-realvalue', initoption.attr('data-realvalue')).html(initoption.html());
			//bind click event
			if ($("body").hasEventListener("click.customdropdown").length == 0) {
				//bind the click event only once
				$('body').bind('click.customdropdown', function(e) {
					var elements = $(;
					var dropdown = elements.filter('.dropdown');
					var dropdownlist = elements.filter('.dropdownlist');
					if (dropdown.length == 0 && dropdownlist.length == 0) {
						//not clicked on .dropdown or .dropdownlist, hide .dropdownlist
					} else {
						if (dropdown.length != 0) {
							//clicked on .dropdown
							var dropdownid = $(dropdown[0]).attr('id');
							if ($("#"+dropdownid).hasClass('active_dropdown')) {
								//close all .dropdownlist
							} else {
								//close all .dropdownlist
								//and open the clicked one
								var pos = $(dropdown[0]).position();
									top: ($(dropdown[0]).outerHeight())+'px',
									left: pos.left+'px'
						} else {
							//clicked on .dropdownlist
							var dropdownid = $(dropdownlist[0]).attr('id').slice(0, -4);
							var li = $(elements.filter('li')[0]);
							$('#'+dropdownid).removeClass('active_dropdown').attr('data-realvalue', li.attr('data-realvalue')).html(li.html());
							//reflect change to original <select> element
							$("#"+dropdownid.slice(0, -9)).val(li.attr('data-realvalue'));
			//add hover states
			$(".dropdownlist li").live('mouseover', function() {
			$(".dropdown").live('mouseover', function() {
			}).live('mouseout', function() {

Revision: 40327
at January 30, 2011 12:35 by peckham

Initial Code

   Copyright (c) 2011 Koen Ekelschot


   Version 1.0.0 - Jan. 30, 2011

   A jQuery plugin which replaces <select> elements with a fancy dropdown menu


   - $(selector).fancyDropdown(); //returns jQuery chainable object
   - jQuery hasEventListener plugin by sebastien-p:


(function($) {
 	$.fn.fancyDropdown = function() {
		return this.each(function() {
			var el = $(this);
			var id = $(this).attr('id');
			//create needed HTML
			var html = '<div class="dropdown" id="'+id+'_dropdown"></div><ul class="dropdownlist" id="'+id+'_dropdownlist">';
			$('option', el).each(function() {
				var realvalue = $(this).attr("value");
				var img = $(this).attr("data-img");
				var info = $(this).attr("data-info");
				if (info == null) {
					html += '<li data-realvalue="'+realvalue+'"><div class="imgholder"><img src="'+img+'" /></div><p class="no-info"><strong>'+$(this).text()+'</strong></p><div class="clearfix"></div>';
				} else {
					html += '<li data-realvalue="'+realvalue+'"><div class="imgholder"><img src="'+img+'" /></div><p><strong>'+$(this).text()+'</strong><br />'+info+'</p><div class="clearfix"></div>';
			html += '</ul>';
			//set initial values
			var initoption = $('li[data-realvalue="'+el.val()+'"]', $('#'+id+'_dropdownlist'));
			initoption.attr('class', 'active');
			$('#'+id+'_dropdown').attr('data-realvalue', initoption.attr('data-realvalue')).html(initoption.html());
			//bind click event
			if ($("body").hasEventListener("click.customdropdown").length == 0) {
				//bind the click event only once
				$('body').bind('click.customdropdown', function(e) {
					var elements = $(;
					var dropdown = elements.filter('.dropdown');
					var dropdownlist = elements.filter('.dropdownlist');
					if (dropdown.length == 0 && dropdownlist.length == 0) {
						//not clicked on .dropdown or .dropdownlist, hide .dropdownlist
					} else {
						if (dropdown.length != 0) {
							//clicked on .dropdown
							var dropdownid = $(dropdown[0]).attr('id');
							var pos = $(dropdown[0]).position();
							if ($("#"+dropdownid+"list").is(":visible")) {
								//the .dropdownlist of the clicked .dropdown is open
								//don't hide it, but hide others (if needed at all)
							} else {
								//close all .dropdownlist
							//open the .dropdownlist of the clicked .dropdown
								top: ($(dropdown[0]).outerHeight()-1)+'px',
								left: pos.left+'px'
						} else {
							//clicked on .dropdownlist
							var dropdownid = $(dropdownlist[0]).attr('id').slice(0, -4);
							var li = $(elements.filter('li')[0]);
							$('#'+dropdownid).attr('data-realvalue', li.attr('data-realvalue')).html(li.html());
							//reflect change to original <select> element
							$("#"+dropdownid.slice(0, -9)).val(li.attr('data-realvalue'));
			//add hover states
			$(".dropdownlist li").live('mouseover', function() {
			}).live('mouseout', function() {

Initial URL

Initial Description
The option elements in the original select may provide an image and a second line of text by using a data-img and a data-info attribute.

Initial Title
jQuery fancy select dropdown menu

Initial Tags
dropdown, replace, jquery

Initial Language