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Revision: 39052
at January 12, 2011 21:57 by TheJasonParker

Initial Code
UPDATE catalog_product_entity_int cpei, catalog_product_entity cpe
SET value = '2'
WHERE cpe.entity_id = cpei.entity_id
AND attribute_id = "80"
AND cpe.category_ids = "%35%"
AND (cpe.category_ids LIKE "35,%" OR cpe.category_ids LIKE "%,35,%")

Initial URL

Initial Description
After the MySQL above has run – you’ll need to let Magento take the reigns back a little to update the category indexes, this is quite straightforward, but a little time consuming.

Login to your admin and go to System > Cache Management, the select Rebuild Catalog Index

Initial Title
Disable products by category

Initial Tags

Initial Language