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Revision: 29620
at June 8, 2011 02:14 by Winkyboy

Updated Code
var previousOUM:String = "";
private function listObjectsUnderMouse():void {
	var point:Point = new Point(mouseX, mouseY);
	var objects:Array = stage.getObjectsUnderPoint(point);
	var currentOUM:String = ""; // Objects Under Mouse
	var results:String = "";
	for (var i:int = 0; i < objects.length; i++) 
		currentOUM += DisplayObject(objects[i].parent).name
		if (i != objects.length-1) currentOUM += ", ";
	if (currentOUM != previousOUM) {
		previousOUM = currentOUM;

// modified/improved version below for pure AS/Flex:

// Syntax
Application.application.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, listObjectsUnderMouse);

// Variable(s)
var previousOUM:String = "";

// Function
private function listObjectsUnderMouse(e:MouseEvent):void {
  var point:Point = new Point(e.stageX,e.stageY);
  var objects:Array = Application.application.stage.getObjectsUnderPoint(point);
  var currentOUM:String = ""; // Objects Under Mouse
  var currentTypes:String = "";
  var results:String = "";
  for (var i:int = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
    currentOUM += DisplayObject(objects[i].parent).name;
    currentTypes += DisplayObject(objects[i].parent);
    if (i != objects.length-1) {
      currentOUM += ", ";
      currentTypes += ", ";
  if (currentOUM != previousOUM) {
    trace("\n\n><> " + objects.length + " object(s) under mouse position (" + point.x + "/" + point.y + ").\n><> " + currentOUM + "\n><>" + currentTypes);
    previousOUM = currentOUM;

Revision: 29619
at June 8, 2011 02:13 by Winkyboy

Updated Code
var previousOUM:String = "";
private function listObjectsUnderMouse():void {
	var point:Point = new Point(mouseX, mouseY);
	var objects:Array = stage.getObjectsUnderPoint(point);
	var currentOUM:String = ""; // Objects Under Mouse
	var results:String = "";
	for (var i:int = 0; i < objects.length; i++) 
		currentOUM += DisplayObject(objects[i].parent).name
		if (i != objects.length-1) currentOUM += ", ";
	if (currentOUM != previousOUM) {
		previousOUM = currentOUM;

// modified/improved version below for pure AS/Flex:

Application.application.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, listObjectsUnderMouse);

private function listObjectsUnderMouse(e:MouseEvent):void {
  var point:Point = new Point(e.stageX,e.stageY);
  var objects:Array = Application.application.stage.getObjectsUnderPoint(point);
  var currentOUM:String = ""; // Objects Under Mouse
  var currentTypes:String = "";
  var results:String = "";
  for (var i:int = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
    currentOUM += DisplayObject(objects[i].parent).name;
    currentTypes += DisplayObject(objects[i].parent);
    if (i != objects.length-1) {
      currentOUM += ", ";
      currentTypes += ", ";
  if (currentOUM != previousOUM) {
    trace("\n\n><> " + objects.length + " object(s) under mouse position (" + point.x + "/" + point.y + ").\n><> " + currentOUM + "\n><>" + currentTypes);
    previousOUM = currentOUM;

Revision: 29618
at August 1, 2010 23:46 by Winkyboy

Initial Code
var previousOUM:String = "";
private function listObjectsUnderMouse():void {
	var point:Point = new Point(mouseX, mouseY);
	var objects:Array = stage.getObjectsUnderPoint(point);
	var currentOUM:String = ""; // Objects Under Mouse
	var results:String = "";
	for (var i:int = 0; i < objects.length; i++) 
		currentOUM += DisplayObject(objects[i].parent).name
		if (i != objects.length-1) currentOUM += ", ";
	if (currentOUM != previousOUM) {
		previousOUM = currentOUM;

Initial URL

Initial Description
Calling this will conditionally trace the list of object names underneath your mouse point. It will only trace when the list of objects beneath the mouse actually changes.

Initial Title
AS3 Get Object Names from GetObjectsUnderPoint

Initial Tags

Initial Language
ActionScript 3