A Few Stats

Snipplr opened its doors on June 27. Since then we've added 65501 snippets and have 263269 users.

Frequently Asked Questions

My language isn't available when I add a new snippet. Can you add it?
Sure, just drop us a note with the language you'd like added and we'll (most likely) add it. We use the GeSHI for syntax highlighting, so if your language is supported, we can add syntax highlighting as well.
When I view a snippet there's a menu labeled "Previous versions". What is this?
Snipplr keeps track of all the changes you make to your snippets. That means you can roll-back and view your snippet at any point in the past. Just pick a date from the Previous Versions drop-down menu, and Snipplr will show you that version.
What are the FAV's for next to each snippet?
Clicking on the grey FAV icon adds that snippet to your list of favorites. This lets you bookmark useful snippets and have them in one place. Also, your favorite snippets are available for download in TextMate. You can click on the icon again to remove the snippet from your favorites.
What are "temporary snippets"?
Have you ever wanted to show someone a quick piece of code? With temporary snippets you can create a quick, one-off snippet that expires after 24 hours. This lets you share code quickly without cluttering up your account. Temporary snippets don't appear in the RSS feeds or in your TextMate bundle. It's an easy way to share code you only need for a moment.
What are "private snippets"?
At the request of many users, you can mark a snippet as private. This means no one will be able to view this snippet. It won't show up anywhere on the website, the RSS feeds, or through the API. Your private snippets will only show up in your list of snippets when you are logged in.