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Try to run Codeigniter in a subfolder of a Wordpress installation and want to remove index.php for clean URLs? Put this code in a .htaccess file in your codeigniter directory ("cidir" in this example).
0 2357 posted 12 years ago by telltec
Use Z-Index to make navigation layer ABOVE other elements.
1 998 posted 12 years ago by xcsteve99
Thanks Dan Gayle. http://www.dangayle.com/import-feeds-wordpress-fetch-feed/
2 1239 posted 12 years ago by adambundy
Add an ID to the body tag.
0 887 posted 12 years ago by almendro
[register_nav_menus](http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/register_nav_menus,"register_nav_menus") [wp_nav_menu](http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_nav_menu,"wp_nav_menu") [in_category](http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Ref...
0 916 posted 12 years ago by hell0world
In my WP networks, I use a custom 404 page and plugin to answer calls asking for user information from a custom api. The API requires a URL format like this: domain.com/username/ However, users don't ever type a trailing slash, nor should they, so...
0 1310 posted 12 years ago by lucasoptura
So, you define a couple of fake funcs and require WP database config, after this you can require wp-db.php, create new wpdb and use it independency of WP for your ajax actions.
0 999 posted 12 years ago by Zayac
Add the following code to functions.php 1: WP backend 2: Appearance -> Editor 3: functions.php
0 798 posted 12 years ago by hell0world
This is some code using Thematic Child Theme overrides to remove thematic's post thumbnails and add Post Thumbnails outside of the .entry-content <div> so that POst Thumbnails can be styled separated from all post Meta. See this page for an example...
0 908 posted 12 years ago by AndrewThinkUp
I am using thesis developer version to redesign the site [FFXIV Gil](http://www.cheapffxivgils.com/ "Cheap FFXIV GIL"). Before using the code, you should add the Unique Hook Name to BOX in template(see [the official tutorial](http://diythemes.com/t...
0 765 posted 12 years ago by hell0world
Create navigation links without the need of a plugin, using paginate_links function of wordpress core.
0 2067 posted 12 years ago by rudwolf
Dummy content to format typographic/html tags for Wordpress copy.
0 771 posted 12 years ago by seejaeger
Adding this snippet to the functions.php of your wordpress theme will restrict wp-admin access to certain users as defined at http://codex.wordpress.org/Roles_and_Capabilities And also still allows for user access to admin-ajax.php , async-uplo...
0 717 posted 12 years ago by jsmithies
This PHP removes menu items from the WordPress dashboard
0 873 posted 12 years ago by ecksteing
goes in the functions file
0 914 posted 12 years ago by thesmu
A function to upload an image to the media library and set it as featured image of a post. It requires 2 params. The name of the upload field and of course the post ID. This function is part of the WPelements library class available on Github. Fee...
0 1261 posted 12 years ago by krike
Thanks to @kaiser on WP answers for this. Place this function in your functions.php file, then use it in your template with the function call like: wpse19316_author_comments( 100 );
1 969 posted 12 years ago by adambundy
The fixed page layout responsive design CSS used in Nexus Themes Framework
0 909 posted 12 years ago by vanseijen
display an image field in the body/page of a custom post type
0 880 posted 12 years ago by mktimes5
Add this to functions.php and then you can call the focus keyword anywhere you want with: &lt;?php wpseoFocusKW();?&gt;
0 1112 posted 12 years ago by itsmrchris
Add to functions.php. Replace IDs (64, 104 below) with categories you want to exclude.
1 993 posted 12 years ago by adambundy
How to insert the less preprocessor script in WordPress Websites and Blogs
0 899 posted 12 years ago by ecksteing
In this example it checks to see if the page it is on has an ACF named page_title, if so - display it as an H1, and if not, display the WP default page title as the H1
0 748 posted 12 years ago by itsmrchris
It's a 3 part process, first is the PHP that you need to run, which includes the appropriate scripts and styles into the admin header, then you need an html button and input field to put the stored value in, then you need some jQuery to open the popu...
0 902 posted 12 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
This allows you to change the logo, title text, and url for the login logo in wordpress.
1 1052 posted 12 years ago by bitsculptor
This gives the code for creating a custom post type with all the necessary labels and even custom message support, and it gives the code for a custom taxonomy with that post type.
0 1101 posted 12 years ago by bitsculptor
Función php para mostrar el número total de entradas o post de una determinada categoría en WordPress
0 753 posted 12 years ago by maiden
All you need to do is create a child theme, and create a new comments.php file inside that child theme. Then insert this code into the comments.php file you just created;
2 962 posted 12 years ago by jhkoning
This creates a custom page template designed to run a Facebook photo contest utilizing the Facebook like button and uses Wordpress featured images for each post in a grid. This setup requires the following: - iLoveIt Wordpress Theme - Creat...
0 889 posted 12 years ago by SmashArtist
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