/ Published in: PHP

I am using thesis developer version to redesign the site [FFXIV Gil](http://www.cheapffxivgils.com/ "Cheap FFXIV GIL").
Before using the code, you should add the Unique Hook Name to BOX in template(see [the official tutorial](http://diythemes.com/thesis/rtfm/add-custom-php-functions/ "official tutorial")). In my case, I am using the name 'footer_copy'.
Before using the code, you should add the Unique Hook Name to BOX in template(see [the official tutorial](http://diythemes.com/thesis/rtfm/add-custom-php-functions/ "official tutorial")). In my case, I am using the name 'footer_copy'.
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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
<?php function copyright() { $url = site_url(); $anchor = get_bloginfo( 'description' ); } add_action('thesis_hook_container_footer_copy_bottom', 'copyright');
URL: http://www.wow-goldstore.com/