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Use PHP's DOM parser to convert a table into plain text (including links with images)
0 1789 posted 10 years ago by nigelnquande
Created by Quirol to avoid TOTAL errors
0 771 posted 12 years ago by mrtonix
Let's say you want to show a list of employees, and you want to show 3 on each row, use the script below to accomplish that.
0 1141 posted 12 years ago by andreaskian
Creates table structure for pitchfx data that is provided by mlb.com. Open PHP file and enter username and password for localhost. Feel free to customize to suit your preference.
0 929 posted 13 years ago by wa-rufio
This is a skeleton mock up for showing a database table in a basic datagrid with sorting and pagination.
0 1173 posted 13 years ago by brownrl
Here you see a example to make your table background color fdifferent at last
0 1023 posted 13 years ago by Darksider3
Refer to the following: http://codex.wordpress.org/Class_Reference/wpdb
0 1524 posted 13 years ago by redconservatory
0 972 posted 13 years ago by dubogii
0 806 posted 13 years ago by LemonPro
Create custom database tables within wordpress. Just replace 'stats' with the name of your table, and then the $sql variable with your create table sql.
0 1152 posted 13 years ago by prwhitehead
The script below connects to a MySQL database server on "localhost" using the login name "test" and password "123456" and then connects to the database "test". It then copies the table structure and data from the table "products" to a new table "prod...
4 1299 posted 14 years ago by fackz
1 1272 posted 15 years ago by ginoplusio
A script I used for quickly load a file (see line 3) and then make a table which had linenumbers on each line. You may want to add a +1 when its generating the table...
0 874 posted 15 years ago by Knarf
This function is very helpfull when you need to put some data (that was gotten from database) to HTML table. You can choose vertical or horizontal types. **Horizontal type:** | 1 | 2 | 3 | | 4 | 5 | 6 | | 7 | 8 | 9 | **Vertical type:**...
1 1392 posted 15 years ago by kirik
2 1019 posted 15 years ago by cshaiku
Use instead of standard "sql\_tablesort()" function. Handles multiple "sort" in $header, but the arrow will be only on last sorted column. This can be handled with rewriting theme_table, for example.
0 892 posted 15 years ago by kurokikaze
0 801 posted 16 years ago by stavelin
0 1008 posted 16 years ago by crishnakh
This snipped adds columnstriping to cells. It works fine for most cases, but will behave strange when combined with colspan. Cells get an additional class 'even-col' or 'odd-col'
2 1056 posted 17 years ago by berkes
0 855 posted 18 years ago by whitetiger
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