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I use this to quickly (in one line) copy my own id_rsa.pub to remote server so I can connect w/out using my password.
1 1025 posted 14 years ago by electblake
0 759 posted 14 years ago by bionic
1. Create a proxy on 8080 to foreword traffic to your server 2. Install Foxyproxy and use options and SOCKS5 enabled 3. Profit
1 810 posted 14 years ago by benpjohnson
0 757 posted 14 years ago by moonbather
Useful when having multiple ssh connections to remote servers open in os x. Throw this in your ~/.bash_profile
0 767 posted 14 years ago by iloveitaly
1 988 posted 14 years ago by choise
This will recursively search your directory tree (starting at dir ‘dot’) and chmod 755 all directories only. find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; Similarly, the following will chmod all files only (and ignore the directories): find . -...
1 904 posted 14 years ago by MikeyLikesIt
An easy was to tunnel remote Couchdb instance into a local machine using ssh tunneling, by using the 5893 local port we enable the local instance to run (replication is only a click away).
0 1069 posted 14 years ago by narkisr
Tunneling vnc over ssh
0 855 posted 14 years ago by narkisr
procedure for updating drupal core.
0 640 posted 14 years ago by MikeyLikesIt
0 772 posted 15 years ago by marcelodornelas
Count number of files in a directory
1 821 posted 15 years ago by marcelodornelas
Instead of ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub, you can choose any location on your local machine where your *public* key lives. You may need to adjust the file permissions on remote authorized_keys aftwterwards, depending on the configuration of the remote ssh serve...
0 1046 posted 15 years ago by berkes
<p>This zips all files and directories</p> <p>-r:Includes all files and directories -> Files</p> <p>filename.zip:The zip file you want to create</p> <p>foldername:The folder you are targetting or use * if your currently in the folder</p>
0 4186 posted 15 years ago by kevinbanet
How to setup a remote git repository via SSH.
0 992 posted 15 years ago by narkisr
Wish i'd known about this several years ago
0 754 posted 15 years ago by nate63179
Useful when logged in the server via ssh. In Leopard, the file would be /Library/Preferences/com.apple.ScreenSharing.launchd
0 1037 posted 15 years ago by alvarezrilla
Where: * 3307 is the local port used to connect to the remote database. You can use 3306, however, this could conflict with your PC’s MySQL installation. * localhost and 3306 is the MySQL address from the remote server (most people will...
0 830 posted 15 years ago by danshields
Enable a secure tunnel for safe browsing. Remember to enable SOCKS proxy. SOCKS host: "localhost" - Port: 9999
0 718 posted 15 years ago by MatiasD
Encrypts traffic between host port 5900 and client port 5921 (view the forwarded traffic at `vnc://localhost:5921`).
0 688 posted 15 years ago by iblis
1 952 posted 15 years ago by radarseven
Simply change the email address and add this to the bottom of your .bashrc file in your home directory. You may also want to add this to the .bashrc in the /root directory, and the .profile in /etc to ensure you are notified anytime your server is ac...
0 711 posted 15 years ago by arnoldb
Handy when web hosts limit database upload size. Create folder in home directory call "mysql_dump", upload and extract mysql file into this directory. Ask web host to enable SSH.
0 1051 posted 15 years ago by hotdiggity
commands for starting, stopping etc openSSH
0 797 posted 15 years ago by stiobhart