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1 920 posted 17 years ago by wintondeshong
Created for my own purposes, thought I'd share though ;) copy paste at the top of your file and it does the magic :)
31 6416 posted 17 years ago by peteypablonz
aun no acabado
2 694 posted 17 years ago by MartinY
SEE http://json.org/ for PHP JSON Libraries. grunt knuckle drag brute force ugly escapes for quotes make a php array a json string Produces trailing commas which some Javascript Librarys can't deal with.* _*NOOB NOTE [a comma is added at the...
2 1141 posted 17 years ago by inkdeep
5 881 posted 17 years ago by jrphelps
Genera links en base a http, www, ftp
2 1008 posted 17 years ago by nicolaspar
MyActiveRecord is a stand alone db abstraction layer to simplify things between php and mysql. you can download the latest version from www.wattz.net
0 1011 posted 17 years ago by wattz
3 894 posted 17 years ago by JuliaKM
Just a reminder to myself, not really a snippet. When running into memory/speed issues with PHP/MySQL apps, adjust the memory_limit parameter in php.ini.
3 724 posted 17 years ago by Todd
How to check if a number is odd or even in PHP. Could also use the MOD (%) function, but apparently this method is better performance-wise.
12 1464 posted 17 years ago by andyhartleeds
Drupal snippet: outputs all theming variables of a content type or page. Add to template.php the following function: function _phptemplate_variables($hook, $vars) { return array('vars_data' => $vars); } then add the snippet to the relativ...
5 966 posted 17 years ago by marcoba
3 1029 posted 17 years ago by lmcdougall
3 973 posted 17 years ago by lmcdougall
17 5238 posted 17 years ago by lmcdougall
Ej: $ziper = new zipfile(); $filename1 = 'images/imagen1.jpg'; $filename2 = 'images/imagen2.jpg'; $fileZip = 'images/imagen.zip'; $ziper->addFile(file_get_contents($filename1),$filename1); $ziper->addFile(file_get_contents($filename2),$filename...
22 5244 posted 17 years ago by lmcdougall
A quick and simple way to search a MySQL database. Example: mysql_search('items', 'title tags', isset($_GET['q'])?$_GET['q']:'', Array('columns'=>'*', 'method'=>'OR', 'extra_sql'=>'AND active = "true" ORDER BY id DESC'));
5 1131 posted 17 years ago by lmcdougall
This takes about an hour in total to run on my machine, so give yourself enough time. Obviously the configure options will need to be tweaked to match your set up, but this works for me. This assumes you already have MySQL installed.
0 854 posted 17 years ago by micmath
Shortens a string, and adds a span with a title of the full string. Function is useful for listings where you don't want wraping; or for places where a long string liek a username can break the layout.
1 986 posted 17 years ago by berkes
2 864 posted 17 years ago by nicolaspar
0 1966 posted 17 years ago by nicolaspar
Inserts the values of an array into a table. Also supports specifying if a specific field needs to be encoded using PASSWORD() Parameters: Table: Name of table to insert into Data: array of $field->$value of new data Password Field: Which field i...
3 2929 posted 17 years ago by depmed
0 818 posted 17 years ago by eethann
2 873 posted 17 years ago by eethann
Add this to httpd.conf/.htaccess
0 979 posted 17 years ago by hyperwhat
Was fiddling around at work one day thought this might be useful.
9 3459 posted 17 years ago by djdykes
Put classes around your bodyy, to allow different colors for seperate pages and areas on your site. IT will simply add a css-safe version of the first argument in an url. Say the url is /about_us/our_company the class will be body.about-us Require...
2 867 posted 17 years ago by berkes
The original code was meant to be used with register_globals=on. If you cannot or don't want to turn that on, then I have modified the code to work with register_globals=off.
4 913 posted 17 years ago by Jaymoon
echo ( browser_detection( 'number' ) .''. browser_detection( 'browser' ) .''. browser_detection( 'os' ) .''. browser_detection( 'os_number' ) ); Outputs (browser version, browser, os, os number): 1.5 moz nt 5.1 if ( ( browser_de...
2 1196 posted 17 years ago by llbbl
1 1133 posted 17 years ago by llbbl