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0 548 posted 12 years ago by paul0078
0 581 posted 12 years ago by paul0078
0 664 posted 12 years ago by paul0078
0 568 posted 12 years ago by paul0078
0 641 posted 12 years ago by paul0078
0 638 posted 12 years ago by paul0078
0 808 posted 12 years ago by paul0078
Returns the version of Windows Internet Explorer or a -1 (indicating the use of another browser).
0 737 posted 12 years ago by satie83
Very cool example of copying a frame from an MP4 and displaying it on the canvas or image. In order for images to be saved, the video must come from the same domain
0 4466 posted 12 years ago by chrisaiv
Valida por medio del metodo onkeypress de un campo input, que solo se ingresen string /[a-zA-Z]/
0 870 posted 12 years ago by serialk89
simple html + javascript timer.
0 575 posted 12 years ago by pixelatorz
The below script list out the available tags based on the character you enter in the Tag field and the available tags in the array. All the user submitted tags through the Tag form will be stored in an array. Use the below script to enable the auto-c...
1 726 posted 12 years ago by aruldave
this code is used to remove the html code in the given string
1 687 posted 12 years ago by satinfo30
Function to validate the existence of each key in the object to get the number of valid key/value pairs.
0 713 posted 12 years ago by reverend
This snippet uses jQuery.extend() to merge the objects.
0 594 posted 12 years ago by viskenxp
Remove initial inputfield value on focus.. and place it back on blur in case of empty value.
0 760 posted 12 years ago by hoogvlieger
Shows how to use an array to embed swf objects with swfobject.js. This allows for multiple embeds (synced ad's etc.)
0 713 posted 12 years ago by rickygri
The usual way to shuffle an array uses the .sort() method with Math.round(Math.random())-0.5 This solution is highly biased based on the sort algorithm used by the browsers. A sort comparison operation has to fulfill the condition "if a>b then b<a"...
0 629 posted 12 years ago by devnull69
Some FB apps are longer than the 800px default FB limit and most are designed to 520px. When your content is longer than the 800px default a verticle scroll bars appears and if you have a hard-coded width in your CSS of 520px this forces a horizontal...
0 709 posted 12 years ago by the_construct
Aggiungere un Modulo
0 629 posted 12 years ago by kajinka13
Load in runtime di file js
0 651 posted 12 years ago by kajinka13
Converte tutti gli \n in <br>
0 642 posted 12 years ago by kajinka13
Coordinate su Gmaps
0 599 posted 12 years ago by kajinka13
Convert javascript comma separated string into an array
0 775 posted 12 years ago by praveenius
How to check Html element type
0 648 posted 12 years ago by caringprogrammer
Add trim method to String class
0 809 posted 12 years ago by kajinka13
Grab jQuery library from Google's CDN this way its faster, burns Google's bandwidth and not yours. Also users will have this cached if other sites are using it as well. Downside of course is Google's servers do go down. This script will check if...
1 773 posted 12 years ago by cyberpunkstudio
The Google Closure lets you get DOM elements with getElement( id ) and getElementByClass( class ). This function combines the two to let you get elements similarly to the way jQuery does. E.g. getElement( '#home .sidebar #links') returns the elemen...
0 977 posted 12 years ago by cjcenizal
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