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To display events from The Events Calendar Pro organized by taxonomy
0 11338 posted 4 years ago by reflectiondigital
With this snippet you will have the ability to deliver the most recent version of any file. When dealing with a browser's cache you can't be certain your viewers are getting the most recent copy. By appending a GET value (the UNIX timestamp) to, f...
0 10257 posted 4 years ago by daemondevin
It should work for domains like @something.co.uk note that regex will never really be able to match 100% of e-mail addresses without allowing some false positives
0 943 posted 6 years ago by plasticbottle
Shorthand for Ternary Operator in PHP
1 866 posted 9 years ago by ursdeep
Bei Autocomplete aus größeren Datenbanken ist es sinnvoll, die Datenbankabfrage in eine separate php-Datei zu verlegen.
0 863 posted 9 years ago by ulfinger
Configure settings for all external links on your site. Features: * Open external links in new window or tab * Add "nofollow" * Set link title * Set link icon * Set classes (for your own styling) * Set no-icon class * SEO friendly
0 989 posted 11 years ago by freelancephp
javascript image uplaod
0 1817 posted 11 years ago by laxman2021
message alert, javascript alert
0 628 posted 11 years ago by laxman2021
How to insert the less preprocessor script in WordPress Websites and Blogs
0 745 posted 11 years ago by ecksteing
This function will compress any text-based content.
1 671 posted 11 years ago by o0110o
Adds a method to the jQuery Validation plugin (http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/) to return false if the field equals a specified string
0 1689 posted 12 years ago by StevenW721
I'm facing an error when i read the JS array using a JS loop
0 732 posted 12 years ago by kaushikTD
Writing an PHP array in a javascript file with json_encode.
0 926 posted 12 years ago by Narayon
0 563 posted 12 years ago by pruntrut
Rescatamos los datos que pasamos por apprequest .
0 970 posted 12 years ago by serialk89
Rescatar data desde apprequest
0 728 posted 12 years ago by serialk89
If your page has already sent headers to the browser you cant redirect with headers('Location:' . $url); But you can use the following:
0 553 posted 13 years ago by prwhitehead
Mix EE channel tag into javascript add the following code into the config array.
0 612 posted 13 years ago by audiopleb
This is to call up Javascript alert through PHP. I hate switching between echoing Javascript while writing PHP so I wrote one in PHP.
0 799 posted 13 years ago by chopbust
cause i'm so lazy
0 604 posted 13 years ago by Savio
This is a simple bit of code that allows you to do a write once date format in a PHP style date() format and convert it to be used by datepicker jQuery UI widget. It returns the converted string.\r\n\r\nNothing fancy here, but a time saver for the f...
1 1159 posted 13 years ago by roblynch
2 1038 posted 13 years ago by sb_01
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