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will preload any background image referenced in your CSS.
0 731 posted 11 years ago by sarpay
**Example of use:** echo base64DataUri('/var/www/html/background.png'); *or* echo base64DataUri('http://static.php.net/www.php.net/images/php.gif');
0 643 posted 11 years ago by phpdev
Simle markup, simple CSS combined with ver straight forward javascript to produce some really cool effects.
0 717 posted 11 years ago by COBOLdinosaur
**Example of use:** <a href="http://www.php.net/manual/en/index.php"><img src="<?php echo get_favicon('http://www.php.net/manual/en/index.php') ?>" alt="Favicon" title="See PHP documentation" width="16" height="16" /></a>
0 1352 posted 11 years ago by phpdev
In scripts.js
0 1217 posted 11 years ago by wanlapat
I have made a small jQuery snippet to demo the image swapping with attr() funciton. The demo uses 2 images with classes img1 and img2 respectively. On a click of a button, the images are swapped. Basically the script stores “src” value into...
0 781 posted 11 years ago by vijayrajesh
simple image rotation script; save as rotate.php in folder with images, call <img> to display
0 932 posted 11 years ago by goddess
javascript image uplaod
0 1817 posted 11 years ago by laxman2021
Image file upload, javascript
0 730 posted 11 years ago by laxman2021
This is some code using Thematic Child Theme overrides to remove thematic's post thumbnails and add Post Thumbnails outside of the .entry-content <div> so that POst Thumbnails can be styled separated from all post Meta. See this page for an example...
0 772 posted 11 years ago by AndrewThinkUp
From css-tricks.com
1 850 posted 11 years ago by Gianino
This would convert images at 30fps to a mp4 video, with sequence titles: ImageName0000.png, ImageName0001.png, etc. You could use -r 1/5 to use one frame every five seconds.
1 870 posted 11 years ago by jmiller
Bruger til at centrere et billede midt i skærmen og fylder ud
0 673 posted 11 years ago by smaakagemorten
A function to upload an image to the media library and set it as featured image of a post. It requires 2 params. The name of the upload field and of course the post ID. This function is part of the WPelements library class available on Github. Fee...
0 1073 posted 11 years ago by krike
AL subir imagen png, se deben pasar al directorio con transparencia
0 904 posted 11 years ago by thescorpion
AL subir imagen png, se deben pasar al directorio con transparencia
0 1041 posted 11 years ago by thescorpion
Just a rework of http://snipplr.com/view/7523/ with an added switch to change type number to extention name.
0 1048 posted 11 years ago by Some0ne
If you have a list of images and want'them all to preload before page is shown. This function is very useful. I use it in various cases working with Phonegap to get my app a better native experience.
0 714 posted 11 years ago by bernhardb
Full Background Image in CSS
1 882 posted 11 years ago by gnitter
private String mapPath = "img/full_map.png"; parkMapBitmap = getBitmapFromAsset(this.getContext(),mapPath);
0 892 posted 12 years ago by l01241
Below are several different types of google static maps. The first is a map with a single marker on the Space Needle. The second is one with 3 marks, one on the Space Needle, one on the Seattle Science Center, and One on the EMP Museum. The last...
0 889 posted 12 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
Via @lmgalmeida Usage: data-src="image.jpg" src="loader.gif" $("img").unveil();
0 756 posted 12 years ago by digitalclubb
Add this bit of code to functions.php
0 549 posted 12 years ago by adiacone
rather annoying issue that I encountered and spent too much time researching - the relevant IE fix is in all caps
1 1035 posted 12 years ago by felicemente
This snippet pulls down an image from a URL into a byte(). From there you can re-size or save. Don't forget the necessary try - catch.
0 4567 posted 12 years ago by ryanfiorini