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File admin.php di una galleria di immagini in php - Function.php file to include in an image gallery php script
Directory structure:
Gallery(main directory)
posted 18 years ago by dandyna
File function.php di una galleria di immagini in php - Function.php file to include in an image gallery php script
Directory structure:
Gallery(main directory)
posted 18 years ago by dandyna
Using CSS is, of course, the preferred method of performing mouseover image swapping, but it's good to have a few tricks up your sleeve. Here's one way of doing it with JS, but the images have to be pre-loaded, or else there'll be a slight lag in the...
posted 18 years ago by pckujawa
The ideal use of this code would be to save the Javascript code as a .js file. Then use the HTML code at the bottom to call it wherever you want on the web page.
posted 18 years ago by Jaymoon