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Add class .green to class .payment-container and make it flash every 3 seconds
0 990 posted 9 years ago by envane21
In this script you also removing unused listener.
0 984 posted 10 years ago by TheRabbitFlash
Convert Symbol to Bitmap in Current Layer
0 1505 posted 10 years ago by janusoo
Just a simple example script for populating a bunch of MapMarker objects on a Map using the distriqt NativeMaps ANE
0 1080 posted 11 years ago by koriner
This function returns the trimmed bounding box of a bitmap which contains all non-transparent pixel which color values are higher than the specified treshold (default 0xFF333333 in ARGB notation).
0 1063 posted 12 years ago by tinytiger
for positioning elements above etc
0 1080 posted 12 years ago by thesmu
Often in Flash, the mouse is used to zoom or scroll, and by default the document <body> tag will also pick this up, making the page scroll away - which is annoying when you just want to view the Flash element. This snippet intercepts mouse scroll...
0 1058 posted 12 years ago by singalongwithdavehotmailcom
I’m sharing with you a little utility that I find myself using a lot lately. This utility is a value convertor that you can use in those times when you need to make a volume slider or something similar where you’ll need to change a value and a va...
0 1300 posted 12 years ago by vamapaull
An easy way to detect shakes on mobile devices with equipped accelerometer.
0 1149 posted 13 years ago by vamapaull
Remember to change flashvars (src, poster) and the size of the player in swfobject.embedSWF parameters (428, 240)
0 919 posted 13 years ago by carlskov
A SWFObject embed example with all options.
0 948 posted 13 years ago by geekyjohn
Hey guys, I struggled a little to find a crossbrowser, non repetitive params way to embed swfs; this object embed works flawlessly for me in all browsers - ie7, ie8, safari, chrome, firefox. Why is swfobject and YouTube using this format - http://cod...
0 1097 posted 13 years ago by digitalzoomstudio
An example of a Flex Mobile button skin using PNG assets and the Flash drawing API
0 886 posted 13 years ago by ryanstewart
The usual way to resolve a url file path doesn't work with JWPlayer. You'll need a different one because the "+" in ... ?guid="+ Eval("fieldName"))%> will throw an error...
0 947 posted 13 years ago by inreflection7
embeded multiple fonts
0 1014 posted 13 years ago by Praimen
1 986 posted 13 years ago by f6design
Adobe AIR 2.6 was just released and it includes a couple of new features for iOS such as camera, video, and keyboard support but for now, you'll need to compile using command-line ADT. Here's a simple example showing you how to compile in test-mode...
0 1211 posted 13 years ago by chrisaiv
Looking forward for more optimized solution for the same
0 1158 posted 13 years ago by kanuwadhwa
Looking forward for the most optimized solution
0 1142 posted 13 years ago by kanuwadhwa
Looking forward for the most optimized solution for the same
0 1089 posted 13 years ago by kanuwadhwa
Looking forward for the most optimized solution for the same
0 966 posted 13 years ago by kanuwadhwa
Looking forward for the most optimized solution for the same
0 901 posted 13 years ago by kanuwadhwa
Looking forward for the most optimized solution for the same
0 1072 posted 13 years ago by kanuwadhwa
Looking forward for the most optimized solution for the same
0 1113 posted 13 years ago by kanuwadhwa
0 930 posted 13 years ago by stephcode
Free JavaScript slideshow with thumbnail gallery, zoom-in-effect, zoom-out-effect and transparency-effect (opacity). Add as many pictures as you like. Each picture can be linked and commented. The thumbnail gallery can be displayed or hidden. True co...
0 1144 posted 13 years ago by fabulant
Perfect for banners
0 1023 posted 13 years ago by budaloco
Javascript solution for embedding Flash in HTML
0 1030 posted 13 years ago by vriesdewie
I use this little guy to get the width and height from a filename. Often when I need to show a flash swf file I don't have an easy way to tell the width and the height of the file for display. However is the file name is "some_flash_file 300x250.swf"...
0 1083 posted 14 years ago by brownrl
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