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This is the most simple example of a ComboBox created in AS3, based mostly on Adobe's example from http://help.adobe.com/en_US/ActionScript/3.0_UsingComponentsAS3/WS5b3ccc516d4fbf351e63e3d118a9c65b32-7fa9.html Inside the zip file you will find two...
0 1835 posted 15 years ago by Winkyboy
0 919 posted 15 years ago by crs
1 965 posted 15 years ago by paulgrenwood
Doesn't work in IE6
2 914 posted 15 years ago by ishottheserif
Standard list markup, adds button to expand a super dropdown next to the link.
1 1078 posted 15 years ago by davebowker
This is the javascript code that enables you to create hover effects also in IE6. It's clean, it's light, it's super! :) Apply that code to your document (eg. in <head></head>) and in css add like this: ul li:hover, ul li.shover { your css st...
1 990 posted 16 years ago by mihael
I copied this from my working example and tweaked some lines to make it generic. Thus there MAY be a typo which I haven't checked for, but probably not. This is what's needed to have something change upon selection of an item in a ComboBox.
0 1047 posted 16 years ago by Winkyboy
A list of blood types for an online form.
0 7938 posted 17 years ago by jonhenshaw
A drop down list of skin tone for an online form.
0 1671 posted 17 years ago by jonhenshaw
A drop down list of facial hair options for an online form.
0 1236 posted 17 years ago by jonhenshaw
A drop down list of hair color for an online form.
0 2217 posted 17 years ago by jonhenshaw
A drop down list of eye colors for an online form.
0 2347 posted 17 years ago by jonhenshaw
This is a list of the fifty most commonly spoken languages in the United States of America. The list can be used in an online form.
0 2594 posted 17 years ago by jonhenshaw
Drop down list for resident status for an online form.
0 1618 posted 17 years ago by jonhenshaw
A comprehensive list of countries for an online form.
16 5792 posted 17 years ago by jonhenshaw
Here's a quick list for collecting the race/ethnicity of a user in an online form.
0 3490 posted 17 years ago by jonhenshaw
This was created as a temporary solution to the wide dropdowns that sometimes appear in OpenAir timesheets and cause horizontal scrolling. Adding this script as a bookmarklet and clicking it will resize all selects (dropdowns) on a page to 340px wide...
0 718 posted 17 years ago by Todd
3 980 posted 17 years ago by huyaroo
1 1227 posted 17 years ago by axelitus
Haven't had a chance to use this but it looks very promising.
14 1533 posted 18 years ago by aznprncritic
it's an excerpt of a registration form with 3 pulldowns for birthday ( day, month, year ) check for empty vars and applying CSS classes to show error on "empty" fields. there are probably better ways, but this works for me. any suggestions welcome.
1 1183 posted 18 years ago by assbach
0 855 posted 18 years ago by whitetiger
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