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This class operates a range of mysql functions base on arrays. Example: Name: Description:
22 5010 posted 17 years ago by emuen
4 1019 posted 17 years ago by llbbl
One notorious discrepancy between IE and Firefox (or other "good" browsers) is the way they access the class HTML attribute. While I've used more complicated solutions in the past, this simple solution doesn't require any browser detection or even a...
2 882 posted 17 years ago by Todd
A CountEvent class’s instance counts up from 0 to 50, then dispatches "countComplete" event. Here’s a result below. 1 2 3 . . . 48 49 50 Count Complete
0 6315 posted 17 years ago by garamond
Based on the linked SitePoint article but with options to limit the container (eg body copy) and set the target. Use '_blank' for a new window for each link. Also adds a class (based on the rel value) for styling. Call the 'relWindow' on window load.
2 796 posted 17 years ago by mountainash
Function to look if an element has a class, if it doesn't simply add it to the element. If it does have a class add it to the class that is already there. Function expects 2 values, the element to add the class to, and the new class name (value).
3 1017 posted 17 years ago by 1man
1 779 posted 17 years ago by markhope
0 581 posted 17 years ago by smilylion
1 922 posted 17 years ago by yuconner
0 944 posted 17 years ago by leoh
basic template for AS2 class
3 1021 posted 18 years ago by sHamilton
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