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To get button with line breaks you can use carriage return characters to break the line: &#x00A; or just <br> with a <button> tag:
0 1364 posted 10 years ago by apphp-snippets
I altered it a bit to be just the like button and no mas!
0 724 posted 12 years ago by jkdreaming
IE7 can be a pain when it comes to input submit buttons. In order to get the value to disappear using the text-indent: -999em; trick make sure to set text-transform: capitalize;
0 665 posted 13 years ago by inreflection7
0 655 posted 13 years ago by cupakob
If you are using Simple Facebook Connect Wordpress plugin, it is better to add this code after changing the og:image value or deleting it. Using this code in your Wordpress Theme header will result in having more meaningful information shown in Faceb...
0 906 posted 14 years ago by ala7lam
HTML code for input buttons with background images and rounded corners. For cases when it is not possible to use Progressive Enhancement (ie. when you need to have rounded corners in IE6+). See Customized buttons under CSS for styles.
0 536 posted 14 years ago by jofan
0 703 posted 14 years ago by donatkinson
How to style a submit button so it looks like text
2 922 posted 15 years ago by Wardy
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