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I love creating simple little extension methods like these to improve code readability.
posted 14 years ago by mattcasto
I love creating simple little extension methods like this to make my code read more better.
posted 14 years ago by mattcasto
If you just use a `<script>` element in the overlay, the browser toolbars are reset to their default configuration (at least with jQ 1.3.2).
posted 14 years ago by eternicode
For .net 2.0+ The one limitation to enumerations is revealed when you try to reverse lookup an enumeration value using Enum.Parse(). The parse function will return an inconsistent enum object if ever there are two or more enumerations with the same...
posted 15 years ago by bryanlyman
I whipped this up after finding that my worst fears were true, pathinfo is slow. Top that with in_array and you've got your self some heavy code. Nothing like regex to speed things up.
This little code checks the extension of a path to see if it i...
posted 15 years ago by Oldarney
This will build and install a Dreamweaver CS4 extension automatically and silently. The version number will be taken from the *.mxi file and appended to the packed *.mxp. Set the extensionfile variable to the name of the *.mxi file without the extens...
posted 15 years ago by s3xym4n
Say that you have a collection of objects empty but for IDs.
You want to do a foreach loop through those objects and lookup detail one at a time.
Unfortunately, in the foreach, you can't replace the references, you can only copy the new detail...
posted 15 years ago by rengber
This method is a bit faster and more reliable then using the "explode" method. Works with PHP 4.0.3 and up.
posted 15 years ago by gdvickery
Il suffit de créer une page PHP et y placer un phpinfo() ou si vous avez accès au serveur en ligne de commande (Putty, WinSCP, ...), vous pouvez tapez cette commande. Dans l'exemple, nous souhaitons savoir si l'extension openssl est présente et no...
posted 16 years ago by cyo