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Open up terminal, paste the code below, then log your user out.
0 804 posted 17 years ago by chrisaiv
Running this command will append a line with given values to a file you specify. Replace words between < and > with the values you desire.
1 1128 posted 17 years ago by engel
Set a reminder. Use +hhmm to set a reminder for some hh (hours) or mm (minutes) in the future; e.g., set an alarm for 45 minutes from now as: leave +0045
0 657 posted 17 years ago by rhockens
One shot verbose expansion.
4 784 posted 17 years ago by bbhack
1 669 posted 17 years ago by vanne
After: sudo port -v selfupdate Update outdated ports with: sudo port upgrade outdated
1 839 posted 17 years ago by rhockens
After installing MacPorts, try running a selfupdate to grab all the latest MacPorts Portfiles (Portfiles contain information about how to install MacPorts software "ports"). You will need to run this command as an administrator, and it requires root...
0 729 posted 17 years ago by rhockens
Leave off the final pipe to /bin/sh to do a 'dry run'
3 1412 posted 17 years ago by ches
A one-liner to remove any temporary files modified over one day ago. Removes files from /tmp/ Run without the '-exec rm {} \;' part to check that it is matching the right set of files - this can be dangerous if run by root! If you want to remove fi...
1 874 posted 17 years ago by wolfie
[quote] Verbose booting shows you the actual process of Mac OS X's startup. You'll see drivers get loaded and services launch. This command should work on any recent (New World) Macintosh: sudo /usr/sbin/nvram boot-args="-v". The -v flag tells the s...
0 741 posted 17 years ago by rhockens
"...UNIX systems run scheduled maintenance routines — known as maintenance scripts — to clean up a variety of System logs and temporary files. By default, these are executed between 03:15 and 05:30 hours local time, depending on the script. If...
1 866 posted 17 years ago by rhockens
0 795 posted 17 years ago by vanne
List the current version and installation date of every application on a OS X system, using of Spotlight.
1 697 posted 17 years ago by zingo
for .bashrc, a function that cd's to a directory and lists the contents it takes ls arguments and a directory. for example, cl goes to home dir and lists contents. cl -l goes to ~/ and long lists contents. and cl -lrt public_html shows the contents o...
0 739 posted 17 years ago by zingo
updates (svn up) a working copy and displays the changes
4 844 posted 17 years ago by zingo
0 650 posted 17 years ago by gtcaz
0 722 posted 17 years ago by dbug13
- lowQ/ is the output directory - pass quality level from 1 to 100
2 1067 posted 17 years ago by abhiomkar
Usage: save the script to ~/scripts/my.bashrc and then source it in .bashrc.
0 1023 posted 17 years ago by thebugslayer
Mount Samba share from osx terminal, might not show up in Finder
0 1459 posted 17 years ago by vanne
2 815 posted 17 years ago by gtcaz