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Magento Social Login extension allows Customers to log in to your site using their accounts of various popular networks: Facebook, Google, Twitter.
0 1206 posted 10 years ago by steelgray9
Facebook fanbox is a free Magento extension that enables you to show a box of your Facebook fanpage on your site for customers to easily click “like” and follow updates. <p>_ Customize the size of the fanbox shown in the site</p> <p>_ Set the n...
0 987 posted 10 years ago by magestore
Facebook Comment is a free Magento Extension which allows customers’ comments on your site and products’ information to be posted to customers’ Facebook Walls <p>_ Leave comments in product pages</p> <p>_ A pop-up allows directly logging-in w...
0 1028 posted 10 years ago by magestore
How to post a notification to Facebook's Graph API.
0 1037 posted 10 years ago by MaRmAR
This is the code to add facebook comments to your wordpress site.
1 1103 posted 11 years ago by bitsculptor
The module allows prestashop store owners to place Facebook comment box under each product / post page where users can post comments using their Facebook ID and this helps in reducing number of spam comments.
0 2850 posted 11 years ago by fmemodules
La función del SDKphp de facebook 'notifications' envia una notificación por parte de la aplicación al usuario que quieras (que haya aceptado tu aplicación).
0 819 posted 11 years ago by serialk89
This creates a custom page template designed to run a Facebook photo contest utilizing the Facebook like button and uses Wordpress featured images for each post in a grid. This setup requires the following: - iLoveIt Wordpress Theme - Creat...
0 857 posted 12 years ago by SmashArtist
I will show you how to crate an app for facebook to handle the facebook connect process on your web site. Then I will show you the php code to perform the login on facebook and retrieve the informations you need for your site. The last suggestion w...
0 1047 posted 12 years ago by ginoplusio
When you add facebook like button to your site, probably, you also want to save the number of likes of your pages to your database.These data are very useful and very important because they tell you which of your articles are better than others. More...
0 1393 posted 12 years ago by ginoplusio
Add this code in the top of your index.php and set $page_url to your application final tab/app URL.
0 947 posted 12 years ago by Whiteagle
To be used in the header.php
0 798 posted 12 years ago by certainlyakey
Relies on "trunCate" a truncating function.
2 1171 posted 12 years ago by rliverman
Redirecionamento Like/Dislike para Fanpages do Facebook.
0 688 posted 13 years ago by thiagotargino
You can use this in Joomla extensions where you need to get the current language locale for example to use with Facebook Connect/Like plugins etc. in the "en_US" format. With facebooj JS, all you have to do is replace the default locale with the resu...
0 969 posted 13 years ago by burconsult
0 614 posted 13 years ago by jretamal
Verify if a user is a fan of a page
0 700 posted 13 years ago by jretamal
Rescatamos los datos que pasamos por apprequest .
0 1107 posted 13 years ago by serialk89
Rescato variables desde un iframe con $signed_request
0 991 posted 13 years ago by serialk89
Rescatar data desde apprequest
0 822 posted 13 years ago by serialk89
Ordena alfabéticamente el array $friends['data'] obtenido con la api de facebook.
0 1078 posted 13 years ago by serialk89
Esta es la primera parte del desarrollo de una app para facebook, se separará en 4 archivos mas o menos. Este es el primero y es el arhivo que contiene la información de la app y hace las conexiones pertinentes y las validaciones. nuestro archivo s...
0 752 posted 13 years ago by serialk89
facebook php-sdk from https://github.com/facebook/php-sdk/
0 767 posted 13 years ago by erikportin
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