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Everyone's Recent JavaScript Snippets Tagged js

JS to dynamically update year -- good for copyright.
0 833 posted 14 years ago by mennyj
[via rtcrm] CSS Browser Selector is a very small javascript with just one line and less than 1kb which empower CSS selectors. It gives you the ability to write specific CSS code for each operating system and each browser.
2 925 posted 14 years ago by mennyj
[via rtcrm] Since HTML5 is getting [more](http://www.brucelawson.co.uk/tests/html5-elements.html) [attention](http://adactio.com/journal/1540/) by way of marking up our new pages, and the only way to get IE to acknowledge the new elements, such as...
0 818 posted 14 years ago by mennyj
Creates a DATE and TIME object that can be places on a site. OPEN-SOURCE: Free to download, use, modify and distribute - so long as all Credits/Comments are left INTACT. If you have any thoughts, comments or ideas for this script (or another script...
1 1121 posted 14 years ago by darksider
SimpleSelector is a small DOM selector object with support for the most used selectors. It's also the default selector for the jLim JavaScript framework. Why use SimpleSelector? - very small, less than 2kb minified - easy to use with $$() - no...
1 1025 posted 14 years ago by freelancephp
This is a simple example of OOP in Javascript, based off the highly popular Javascript "The Definitive Guide" book by David Flanagan. I will be expanding this example in the future, let me know what you'd like to see. Thanks! Note: You must have...
0 969 posted 15 years ago by alvincrespo
Just a simple snippet on how to reverse a string using a for loop.
0 832 posted 15 years ago by alvincrespo
remove and item or items from array
0 592 posted 15 years ago by edektor
The Number objects value determines how often the supplied function is repeated. Inspired by ROR & Python. "Pollutes" Number's prototype.
0 832 posted 15 years ago by peta
0 684 posted 15 years ago by xxc
Keeps your page intact if you don't wish to add to (just visit) Snipplr, by opening a new tab... also, this one works in both, Firefox + Safari/Opera.
1 766 posted 15 years ago by dvdrtrgn
Namespace to avoid collision with other javascript variable/method names
1 857 posted 15 years ago by inkdeep
include document ready and standard code to run swfobject smoothly in IE6
1 966 posted 15 years ago by apro2000
Simple Javascript that will get a feed and parse it using Ajax
2 1057 posted 16 years ago by chrisaiv
1 998 posted 16 years ago by ginoplusio
If you've ever been frustrated at fixing multiple double margin / duplicate character bugs in your page, using this handy jQuery snippit, you can wipe them away instantly! This code requires the latest version of jQuery.
3 1184 posted 16 years ago by haxd
Because WKW is a german social community, wird auch deutsch Kommentiert: Sobald der Kalender-Bereich aufgerufen wird, gesellt sich oben in der Menüzeile ein neuer Punkt hinzu "Grab BDdays!". Ein klick darauf listet alle Buddies mitsamt Geburtstagen...
0 674 posted 16 years ago by preasha
strip non alphanumerical characters while typing
1 754 posted 16 years ago by ginoplusio
a set of function useful to check data (functions name in italian but easy to translate).
0 1127 posted 16 years ago by ginoplusio
sorting a table through javascript
3 1108 posted 16 years ago by ginoplusio
setting additional css file for browsers under MacOS with JQuery
0 821 posted 16 years ago by DesTincT