/ Published in: JavaScript

SimpleSelector is a small DOM selector object with support for the most used selectors. It's also the default selector for the jLim JavaScript framework.
Why use SimpleSelector?
- very small, less than 2kb minified
- easy to use with $$()
- no overhead, no functions you hardly ever use
- ideal for smaller websites
Why use SimpleSelector?
- very small, less than 2kb minified
- easy to use with $$()
- no overhead, no functions you hardly ever use
- ideal for smaller websites
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/** * SimpleSelector ($$) * * @fileOverview * SimpleSelector is a small DOM selector object with support for the * most used selectors, like: * - By id: $$('#wrap') * - By class: $$('.special') * - By tag: $$('p') * - Mulitple: $$('#id, .cls') * - Give context: $$('a', '#wrap') or $$('#wrap a') * Released under MIT license. * @version 1.1.0 * @author Victor Villaverde Laan * @link http://www.freelancephp.net/simple-css-selector-function/ * @link https://github.com/freelancephp/SimpleSelector */ (function (window) { var SimpleSelector = window.SimpleSelector = { /** * Selector function * @param {String} selector * @param {String|DOMElement|DOMElement[]} [context=window.document] * @return {DOMElement[]} */ select: function (selector, context) { var s = selector, c = context, els = []; // prepare selector s = s.split(','); // prepare context c = isObjType(c, 'String') ? $$(c) : c && c.length ? c : window.document; // make array if (!isObjType(c, 'Array')) c = [c]; // loop through given contexts for (var i in c) { // loop through given selectors for ( var j in s) { var strim = s[j].replace(/\s+/g, ''), sp = s[j].split(' '), op = strim.substr(0, 1), name = strim.substr(1), tels = [], nextContext; if (sp.length > 1) { // make recursive call to handle f.e. "body div p strong" nextContext = $$(sp[0], c[i]); tels = $$(sp.slice(1).join(' '), nextContext); els = els.concat(tels); } else if (op == '#') { // by id tels[0] = c[i].getElementById ? c[i].getElementById(name) : window.document.getElementById(name); // check if founded array is part of context if (tels[0] && SimpleSelector.isDescendant(tels[0], c[i])) els.push(tels[0]); } else if (op == '.') { // by className var expr = new RegExp('(^|\\s)'+ name +'(\\s|$)'), all = c[i].getElementsByTagName('*'); // filter all elements that contain the given className for (var v = 0, w = all.length; v < w; v++) { if (expr.test(all[v].className)) els.push(all[v]); } } else { // by tagName tels = c[i].getElementsByTagName(strim); // add all founded elements for (var y = 0, z = tels.length; y < z; y++) els.push(tels[y]); } } } // return array of elements return SimpleSelector.clearDuplicates(els); }, /** * Check if node is part of root element * @param {DOMElement} descendant * @param {DOMElement} ancestor * @return {Boolean} */ isDescendant: function (descendant, ancestor) { return descendant.parentNode == ancestor || descendant.tagName.toUpperCase() != 'HTML' && SimpleSelector.isDescendant(descendant.parentNode, ancestor); }, /** * Check if item exists in array * @param {Array} arr * @param {Mixed} item * @return {Boolean} */ itemExists: function (arr, item) { for (var j = 0, max = arr.length; j < max; j++) { if (arr[j] === item) return true; } return false; }, /** * Clear duplicate items out of array * @param {Array} arr * @return {Array} Cleared array */ clearDuplicates: function (arr) { var a = []; for (var i = 0, max = arr.length; i < max; i++) { if (!SimpleSelector.itemExists(a, arr[i])) a.push(arr[i]); } return a; } }; /** * @private */ function isObjType (o, type) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(o) === '[object '+ type +']'; }; if (!window.$$) { /** * Add short name for SimpleSelector method * @function */ window.$$ = SimpleSelector.select; } })(window);
URL: http://www.freelancephp.net/simpleselector-javascript-dom-selector/