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Everyone's Recent JavaScript Snippets Tagged jquery

2 590 posted 15 years ago by hotice
0 612 posted 15 years ago by tclancy
A javscript snipped which will mark each table cell with a CSS class containing the cell's column number. This allows you to set the table column widths using just one CSS rule and without hand editing the table HTML code. This is to workaround the l...
0 1488 posted 15 years ago by miohtama
1) if jQuery is already loaded into a browsers' cache -> do nothing 2) if the object is undefined, write a script-element into the source which references google's minified jquery file. 3) if jQuery is still undefined (let's assume Google is down)....
2 943 posted 15 years ago by iroybot
1 887 posted 15 years ago by arpit
Enable jQuery on any website, just clicking on a bookmarklet with this code. Or drag & drop this on your bookmark bar: <a href="javascript:(function(){var%20s=document.createElement('script');s.setAttribute('src','http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs...
4 868 posted 15 years ago by danielfilho
Stub for creating classes in JQuery
0 845 posted 15 years ago by arpit
A lovely little one liner that strips out all non alphanumeric chars first, then replaces the spaces with hyphens, then converts all to lowercase :D
0 680 posted 15 years ago by xtheonex
<a href="javascript:(function(){var%20ids=[];jQuery('*').each(function(){if(this.id&&this.id!==''){if(ids[this.id]){console.log('duplicate%20id%20found:%20'+this.id,this,ids[this.id])}else{ids[this.id]=this}}});})();">Find duplicate IDs</a> (drag me...
1 981 posted 15 years ago by krunkosaurus
1 539 posted 15 years ago by danielfilho
Remove item (number or string) from array, using jQuery (method grep).
3 13743 posted 15 years ago by gustavopaes
Standard list markup, adds button to expand a super dropdown next to the link.
1 1034 posted 15 years ago by davebowker
0 834 posted 15 years ago by davebowker
Testing if toggle has happened.
0 603 posted 15 years ago by davebowker
Extracts a string paremeter from the url query string. Basic operation wont handle multiples such as radio buttons etc. Just gets the first instance of the name and returns it's value.
1 705 posted 15 years ago by kouphax
Allows the user to bind an event into a certain position in the call stack for events.
3 1060 posted 15 years ago by garside
bring back the old browser detection
1 1120 posted 15 years ago by localhorst
include document ready and standard code to run swfobject smoothly in IE6
1 885 posted 15 years ago by apro2000
Starting from jQuery 1.3
1 958 posted 15 years ago by omixen
Simple function for turning RETURN key presses into TAB key presses. Focuses input element next in the DOM (usually makes sense), unless we are at the end of the form, at which point it focuses the first element in the form for cyclical purposes.
2 2919 posted 15 years ago by kouphax
Simple jQuery snippet for cleanly and automatically setting up your google analytics
4 912 posted 15 years ago by garside
Thanks to [James]( http://www.girsbrain.org/blog ) for this code.
0 710 posted 15 years ago by zachharkey
jQuery client-side form validation for the Radiant CMS mailer extension. Requires jQuery 1.2.6+ Each required field needs a class of "required" assigned to the input tag.
0 897 posted 15 years ago by bcalloway
0 718 posted 15 years ago by davebowker