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Nexus Theme fixed page layout
0 693 posted 11 years ago by vanseijen
Space div elements evenly inside a wrapper without using float (no right spacing issue) so that all elements are flush to the edges.
0 641 posted 11 years ago by rickygri
Cascading Style Sheets allow developers to exercise greater control over background images on the Web. You can make an image tile vertically across the page, horizontally across the page, or both. Simply define the style at the top of the page, and d...
0 817 posted 11 years ago by nshakin
Font Squirrel is a great place to convert your fonts to the different formats required. http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fontface/generator
0 780 posted 11 years ago by adrianparr
Toggle approve button, compatible with IE9, not working in IE7 or below
0 670 posted 11 years ago by msstar
Truncate the multiline text. Webkit Property.
1 642 posted 11 years ago by Rakowskey
Extended css media queries for modern mobile screens
0 3652 posted 11 years ago by Rosk
If Chrome is bothering with unknown borders and things like that, just apply this.
0 655 posted 11 years ago by valenzine
this snippet is for this html structure %form %ol %li %label Label: %input
0 791 posted 11 years ago by Merstzik
IE8 and below have no CSS support
0 708 posted 11 years ago by tucq88
Implementation of CSS3 Media Query
0 903 posted 11 years ago by ecksteing
0 792 posted 11 years ago by ecksteing
as per title. Note in code I used <<>> as non-syntactic indicators of arbitrary code, and >>#<< as indicators of the actual syntax in this case it is #
0 665 posted 11 years ago by skopp
1. Adding shadow to text – text-shadow Helps make your text stand out from the rest. 2. border image rounding
0 873 posted 11 years ago by skopp
Hiding text can be extremely useful to hide company logo. As logos are usually an image, you will want to use text indent to place it in a h1 tag for SEO (Search Engine Optimization). The technique we use is to hide the text far away off the screen,...
0 762 posted 11 years ago by skopp
control text wrapping, add image size plus padding margin so that text does not float below images
0 495 posted 11 years ago by dkempdesigns
create css menus/lists with no top or bottom border
0 601 posted 11 years ago by dkempdesigns
I took it from lessframework.
0 553 posted 11 years ago by zreedeecom
Solución para DIVs que colapsan. Simplemente agrega la clase group al elemento que colapsa y se mostrará su tamaño.
0 559 posted 11 years ago by hibam
doesn't work in ie7/8
0 641 posted 11 years ago by kbrown
0 669 posted 11 years ago by satie83
0 610 posted 11 years ago by satie83
0 599 posted 11 years ago by satie83
0 846 posted 11 years ago by satie83
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