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automatisches starten von Fotos beim Anschliessen von Geräten deaktivieren (YES), aktivieren (NO)
0 843 posted 8 years ago by daniels
disable automatic starts of photos when connecting devices (YES), aktivate (NO), automatisches starten von Fotos beim Anschliessen von Geräten deaktivieren (YES), aktivieren (NO)
0 850 posted 8 years ago by daniels
Set the default print settings of preview app on 100%. Schaltet beim Programm Vorschau die Druckeinstellung standardmässig auf 100%, diese bzw. wieder aus.
0 832 posted 8 years ago by daniels
<p>unzip -l ./zips/2014/* -d ./unzipped/2014/</p>
0 1003 posted 10 years ago by khaksari
This can be used to get arp mac address from a ip address. Remember that MAC addresses are in arp tables (volatile), that's why a ping is done first. But i don't know if timing between ping call and arp call is enought to make sense (of pinging).
0 1686 posted 11 years ago by someguy123
Replaces string 'sth' with 'sth-new' in all files in current directory.
0 780 posted 11 years ago by ef
Add the first line in terminal and press return. Add second line in terminal press return to refresh the dock
0 662 posted 12 years ago by klagraff
0 768 posted 12 years ago by page_lab
Text filter to increment numbers by one with regex in BBEdit (Mac only)
0 1497 posted 12 years ago by page_lab
Enabling pear on a Mac using XXAMP
0 825 posted 12 years ago by prolutions
Force NSLocalizedString to use a specific language
1 980 posted 12 years ago by kajinka13
A Modular method to set new text with color of an NSButton. Thanks go to the owner of this code - RayNewbie - in the Apple discussion forum.
0 1049 posted 12 years ago by mirage3d
How do you delete all objects in an entity in Core Data? It's not as simple or straightforward as it is in SQL/SQLite. here's one reasonably quick way... taken from stackoverflow
0 958 posted 12 years ago by mirage3d
Bring an application to front to gain focus.
1 951 posted 12 years ago by mirage3d
Open up your terminal and type in the following commands to show hidden files (such as a .htaccess file).
0 889 posted 13 years ago by BFTrick
find a mac address using php
0 726 posted 13 years ago by mariraj
Open Terminal and type the following:
0 741 posted 13 years ago by redconservatory
0 767 posted 13 years ago by a1ias
This can be used to generate a random MAC address which can be used for spoofing or other purposes.
0 709 posted 13 years ago by james0rion
This is about the simplest way I've found. See [this](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1092463/getting-the-mac-address-of-the-remote-host) and [this](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1092379/want-to-get-mac-address-of-remote-pc/1092392#1092392) a...
0 4317 posted 13 years ago by pckujawa
Use this script in Automator, and make a Service of it. Then give the service a shortcut in System Preferences -> Keyboard In the script you have to switch the "SETT_INN_API-KODE_FRA_PROWL_HER" with a Prowl API code (https://www.prowlapp.com/api_s...
0 957 posted 13 years ago by Macgeeky
multiple hosts in MAMP, leopard. MAMP preferences have been amended to port80 port3306
1 734 posted 13 years ago by lister
Stolen from stetho -- All thanks to him -- Now, about your folder actions… http://bit.ly/fW9ExM
0 909 posted 13 years ago by brandonjp
1. You'll need the perl-based rename script http://tips.webdesign10.com/how-to-bulk-rename-files-in-linux-in-the-terminal 2. I'm using Terminal on mac so you might need to change some of your flags
0 934 posted 13 years ago by timberjorge
convert and file.dmg to file.iso in mac
1 895 posted 14 years ago by tenveer
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