/ Published in: AppleScript

Use this script in Automator, and make a Service of it. Then give the service a shortcut in System Preferences -> Keyboard
In the script you have to switch the "SETT_INN_API-KODE_FRA_PROWL_HER" with a Prowl API code (https://www.prowlapp.com/api_settings.php). Prowl must be installed on iPhone too.
In the script you have to switch the "SETT_INN_API-KODE_FRA_PROWL_HER" with a Prowl API code (https://www.prowlapp.com/api_settings.php). Prowl must be installed on iPhone too.
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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
on run {input, parameters} tell application "System Events" to set FrontAppName to name of first process where frontmost is true if FrontAppName is "Firefox-bin" then tell application "Firefox" activate tell application "System Events" to keystroke "l" using {command down} tell application "System Events" to keystroke "c" using {command down} set linken to (the clipboard) end tell else if FrontAppName is "Google Chrome" then tell application "Google Chrome" activate tell application "System Events" to keystroke "l" using {command down} tell application "System Events" to keystroke "c" using {command down} set linken to (the clipboard) end tell else if FrontAppName is "Safari" then tell application "Safari" set linken to (set the clipboard to ((get URL of document 1) as string)) end tell else if FrontAppName is "Opera" then tell application "Opera" set linken to (set the clipboard to (get URL of front window)) end tell end if do shell script "curl -s -k https://prowl.weks.net/publicapi/add -F apikey=SETT_INN_API-KODE_FRA_PROWL_HER -F application=" & FrontAppName & " -F description=" & linken return input end run