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This code shows how not only to create a text file onto the local computer desktop, but also how to post the contents of a 'text box' object into the file.
0 1113 posted 9 years ago by SinVerguenzaGames
Just a simple example script for populating a bunch of MapMarker objects on a Map using the distriqt NativeMaps ANE
0 1128 posted 11 years ago by koriner
This PHP code is made to help people using the ActionScript 3 AlivePDF library to save PDF files from a Flash app to a server. ActionScript 3 AlivePDF save code: _pdf.save(Method.REMOTE, "save.php", Download.ATTACHMENT, "MyFile.pdf");
0 1104 posted 13 years ago by vamapaull
I’m sharing with you a little utility that I find myself using a lot lately. This utility is a value convertor that you can use in those times when you need to make a volume slider or something similar where you’ll need to change a value and a va...
0 1346 posted 13 years ago by vamapaull
a handy class to manage facebook connections using as3
0 1258 posted 13 years ago by Matias
It's very useful if you build a FLV player for example, and want to convert the time into minutes:seconds (example: 6:13) //apply it to your project like this (and don't forget to import the class): time.text = TimeUtil.getTimecode(timeValue);
0 1101 posted 13 years ago by vamapaull
An easy way to detect shakes on mobile devices with equipped accelerometer.
0 1194 posted 13 years ago by vamapaull
A short snippet of code to save a ByteArray into any file
1 2277 posted 13 years ago by kiroweb
An example of a Flex Mobile button skin using PNG assets and the Flash drawing API
0 926 posted 13 years ago by ryanstewart
Arrondir un chiffre, à n chiffre après la virgule
0 782 posted 13 years ago by ions
Remplacer le code Hexadécimal d'une couleur (provenant d'un xml par exemple) pour une utilisation en AS.
0 757 posted 13 years ago by ions
Utile pour formater l'affichage d'un compteur de temps (player video, player mp3, …)
0 730 posted 13 years ago by ions
This function will take the querystring from the URL and return it as a property:value paired object.
1 935 posted 13 years ago by scottwatkins
This function will delete and object and mark it for deletion with gc.
0 1099 posted 13 years ago by scottwatkins
If you are developing for iOS with AIR and are deleting/removing applications from iTunes/device each time you want to test you will want to read this.
0 1046 posted 14 years ago by renaun
Looking forward for more optimized solution for the same
0 1202 posted 14 years ago by kanuwadhwa
Looking forward for the most optimized solution
0 1193 posted 14 years ago by kanuwadhwa
Looking forward for the most optimized solution for the same
0 1146 posted 14 years ago by kanuwadhwa
Looking forward for the most optimized solution for the same
0 1008 posted 14 years ago by kanuwadhwa
Looking forward for the most optimized solution for the same
0 941 posted 14 years ago by kanuwadhwa
Looking forward for the most optimized solution for the same
0 1121 posted 14 years ago by kanuwadhwa
Looking forward for the most optimized solution for the same
0 1159 posted 14 years ago by kanuwadhwa
If you want to use the PlayBook's QNXApplication SWIPE_DOWN event in a SWF that will be used on other devices, check out this code.
0 902 posted 14 years ago by renaun
Useful for stripping out backslashes, hyphens and other punctuation
0 1500 posted 14 years ago by gromitski
Replace "-" with anything you want to. Useful for amending URLs.
0 1302 posted 14 years ago by gromitski
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