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A few examples of the LENGTH function
0 747 posted 8 years ago by bbrumm
A few examples of the Oracle LTRIM function.
0 769 posted 8 years ago by bbrumm
A few examples of the Oracle INSTR function.
0 816 posted 8 years ago by bbrumm
A few examples of the Oracle RTRIM function.
0 789 posted 8 years ago by bbrumm
A few examples of the Oracle CASE expression
0 681 posted 8 years ago by bbrumm
A few examples of the Oracle REPLACE function
0 695 posted 8 years ago by bbrumm
A few examples of the GREATEST function
0 800 posted 8 years ago by bbrumm
A few examples of the Oracle LEAST function
0 788 posted 8 years ago by bbrumm
Some examples of the Oracle LISTAGG function, including setting up the tables.
0 1132 posted 8 years ago by bbrumm
Some examples of the NVL2 function in Oracle, including setup table.
0 817 posted 8 years ago by bbrumm
A few examples of the CONCAT function, including setting up the example tables.
0 776 posted 8 years ago by bbrumm
A few examples of the Oracle TO_CHAR function, which works on numbers and dates.
0 696 posted 8 years ago by bbrumm
These are some examples of the Oracle TO_DATE Function
0 688 posted 8 years ago by bbrumm
This only shows public procedures, not the privates one declares only in packages body.
0 808 posted 10 years ago by Igeco
La première commande liste les sessions bloquantes, la deuxième les kill
0 873 posted 10 years ago by Igeco
use This Class to conenct to any database mysql oracle access and postgresql and use functions to select update insert or update data from database --
0 1196 posted 10 years ago by supupoff
List locked object Oracle Database using V$LOCKED_OBJECT view
0 813 posted 11 years ago by ceduard0
This SQL would help you to transpose a rows into columns in SQL
0 2369 posted 11 years ago by mprabhuram
ver tablas que tiene un usario asiganadas por privilegio
0 4361 posted 12 years ago by thescorpion
Uso de Grant y Revoke de objetos masivos de distintos user
0 808 posted 12 years ago by thescorpion
Cuando se da el caso que tienes 2 servidores diferentes y el ServiceName de oracle es el mismo...En el momento de crear un dblink hay que especificar bien la cadena de coneccion para que se direccione al otro servidor y no escoja el serviceName del e...
0 752 posted 12 years ago by thescorpion
Mostrar Objetos que hacen Referencia a un Objeto Especifico en Oracle
0 1008 posted 12 years ago by thescorpion
Borrar archivos Log con Rman
0 1526 posted 12 years ago by thescorpion
comando para cambiar el tablespace de un objeto
0 1263 posted 12 years ago by thescorpion
find what profile values are set for a particular user
0 902 posted 12 years ago by theonlyalterego
Search SQL Server or Oracle database for keyword embedded within stored procedures, functions, triggers, etc.
0 903 posted 12 years ago by jstrawther
AP-SLA-GL Link Query
0 1303 posted 13 years ago by theonlyalterego
can be used to track Oracle Apps concurrent program performance
0 1158 posted 13 years ago by theonlyalterego
This query will retrieve a list of the parameters and value sets based on a provided concurrent program user name
0 1315 posted 13 years ago by theonlyalterego
Query to find the most recent logins for a particular user ( find 1 years worth )
0 1054 posted 13 years ago by theonlyalterego