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In the User settings, there is a web form called Contact Info. It has input fields for the user’s AIM account, Yahoo IM account, and so on.
But how about Twitter? What about Facebook? Out of the box, the Contact Info panel doesn’t have these i...
posted 13 years ago by blueocto
This is a great place to add your own custom Help text for a client. You can even customize it for different Admin panels. For example, you can add a different Help text for the Add New Post panel and another one for the Comments panel.
Here’s h...
posted 13 years ago by blueocto
It’s possible to disable it conditionally for each WordPress user by going to Users > Your Profile. However, if you want to remove it completely, you can add the following filter:
posted 13 years ago by blueocto
The special characters in the file name caused problem when the exported to iphone application.
posted 13 years ago by punuhan
These days when you are using forms you need some sort of protection from bots and spammers.
posted 13 years ago by jquery4u
simple pass the file name and that file will be available for download
posted 13 years ago by kumar_sekhar
3rd argument of 'add_action' function is priority, by default set to 10. This is a much simpler way of reorder posts exactly as you want them to appear.
posted 13 years ago by mrgurner
_PHP Snippet for Paying via Paypal_
This snippet is designed for most open source invoicing applications that you have control over the template setup. There multiple free or open source PHP applications that you can download server-side and imple...
posted 13 years ago by creativeboulder
Useful function for taking the title of an Article or keyword phrase and converting it into an SEO friendly version that can be used in a URL. For example, the title "German Cars are amazing" would be transformed into "german-cars-are-amazing".
posted 13 years ago by abelperez
Use this to page cache your pages. Will save page output to a file. Will check file modified date to get from file or retrieve again
posted 13 years ago by anagaiyahoocom
Some times you need to generate a code for a field in a db and that code can't be repeated either...
Yes, I know that if two people submit their data at almost the exact same time that it could be possible that they have the same code. OMG OMG OMG...
posted 13 years ago by brownrl
If a string exceeds x characters (defaults to 100), trims the string to the first x characters and appends a tail to the end of the truncated string (defaults to an ellipsis).
posted 13 years ago by bluecap
This generates a simple insert statement for mysql based on all the variables in $_GET or $_POST using a simple page. It does not do the inserts although that is a simple addition - just builds and displays your insert statement.
posted 13 years ago by kidmizere
This function will transform any string to an seo url like string. It suports latin, french and german special characters.
Example: applying the function to "Exemplo de aplicação da função" returns "exemplo-de-aplicacao-da-funcao"
posted 13 years ago by KabuqueJoe