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This is a simple script which downloads the latest "LoRa Server" files from the repository of the user brocaar in GitHub. Just make the file executable with a "chmod +x script_installer.sh" and run it, the program will give you the latest releases o...
0 876 posted 8 years ago by SoroushBlaster
This technical tip explains how to .NET developers can list email messages with paging support inside their .NET Applications. In scenarios, where the email server contains a large number of messages in mailbox, it is often desired to list or retriev...
0 1418 posted 8 years ago by sherazam
SQL Server query sample using rank/dense_rank
0 654 posted 8 years ago by ManuelToledo
Easily populate VB.NET DataGridView with data from MSSQL Server Stored Procedure
0 2259 posted 8 years ago by ManuelToledo
Insertar registros bloqueando mientras se realiza el proceso.
0 638 posted 8 years ago by systemergon
Conexión a base de datos con los parametros que llega del contructor
0 945 posted 8 years ago by systemergon
Alternativas para formato de datos en sql server
0 781 posted 8 years ago by systemergon
How to setup a share in a virtualbox guest - ubuntu server.
1 850 posted 9 years ago by krillzip
Run `mysqladmin` to shutdown msyql server with a specified option file. **Vars** to to specify + ${EnvSet_Bash} **Demo** vars specified like + ${EnvSet_Bash}=[set-mysqlRT-Env](http://www.snipplr.com/view/80407/an-example-bash-file-for-...
0 1131 posted 10 years ago by jacktan
Run a Mysql server using command line with a specified option file. **Vars** to to specify + ${EnvSet_Bash} **Demo** vars specified like + ${EnvSet_Bash}=[set-mysqlRT-Env](http://www.snipplr.com/view/80407/an-example-bash-file-for-set-...
0 1094 posted 10 years ago by jacktan
If you want to enable GII in your live server in YII you can do by following small steps.
0 767 posted 10 years ago by adesara_jaydeep
This script allows you to monitor a list of applications each running on servers in different environments. For example, these can be webservers: apache/nginx/etc., application servers: tomcat/nodejs/IIS/etc., database servers: mysql/oracle/etc., or...
0 1020 posted 10 years ago by deanhouseholder
These logging functions will be improved and added into the SocketServer_Server.py to log information from programs on machines on the same network, but not directly connected to each other.
0 1048 posted 10 years ago by JordanRowles
Client code for sending information to the logging server.
0 917 posted 10 years ago by JordanRowles
A server that receives information from programs (Name, DateTime, LogType, Data) and writes it to a file with the syntax: LogFile_{program_name}_{ISO-Date}.log
0 932 posted 10 years ago by JordanRowles
Drop store procedures
0 760 posted 10 years ago by ironcrema
Adding a linked server to MSSQL account - particularly a MYSQL server
0 717 posted 10 years ago by kidmizere
Prints all $_Server variables to table
0 844 posted 10 years ago by kidmizere
Función sql que devuelve una tabla. parametros ID, cadena, caracter_slit
0 818 posted 10 years ago by ironcrema
Code for single threaded python web server
0 1035 posted 11 years ago by ronaklovespython
Extrae subcadena de cadena separado por caracter
0 722 posted 11 years ago by ironcrema
Agrega Llave Foránea
0 676 posted 11 years ago by ironcrema
Reset MySQL root password
0 917 posted 11 years ago by Aminreza
*Example:* if (!isRewriteMod()) exit('Please install Apache mod_rewrite module.');
0 857 posted 11 years ago by phpdev
Works in SP2013 (and I believe 2010). Provides site collection URL without trailing "/"
0 995 posted 11 years ago by rumremix
A simple http server, from java JDK.
0 903 posted 11 years ago by alexedy
Easy PHP script for uploading and unpacking zip files to the server much faster Steps to follow: 1. create folder on the webserver called "zipper" or something else 2. copy the following PHP code into a file called "zipper.php" into this folde...
2 4134 posted 11 years ago by jvandemerwe
Get Current URL Path on Apache / IIS
2 1312 posted 11 years ago by rickygri
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