ASSERT_GUI_THREAD - see if current thread is GUI thread in MFC C++

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  1. inline void ASSERT_GUI_THREAD()
  2. {
  3. const CWnd * pWnd = AfxGetMainWnd();
  4. const HWND hWnd = pWnd->GetSafeHwnd();
  5. const DWORD WindowThreadId = GetWindowThreadProcessId( hWnd, 0 );
  6. const DWORD thisThreadId = AfxGetThread()->m_nThreadID;
  7. // const bool bGuiThread = IsGUIThread(FALSE);
  8. // ctrlTree.InvokeRequired == false // this might work in .NET but not MFC.
  10. bool isGuiThread =
  11. pWnd != NULL &&
  12. hWnd != NULL &&
  13. thisThreadId == WindowThreadId;
  15. ASSERT( isGuiThread );
  17. }

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