TSQL snippets for snippetsEmu

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These snippets can be used with TSQL files (assuming .sql extension) by saving the below code to vimfiles/after/ftplugin/sql_snippets.vim.

* **$proc** - creates the skeleton for a TSQL stored procedure, including dropping the old procedure if it already exists.
* **$func** - creates the skeleton for a TSQL user-defined function (scalar), including dropping the old function if it already exists.
* **$view** - creates the skeleton for a TSQL view, including dropping the old view if it already exists.
* **$table** - creates the skeleton for a TSQL table, including dropping the old table if it already exists.
* **$sum** - creates a TSQL SUM statement using the specified field and creates an alias to preserve the field name.
* **$vc** - creates a varchar definition using the specified size.
* **$c** - creates a char definition using the specified size.
* **$d** - creates a decimal definition using the specified size and precision.
* **$tv** - creates a table variable definition.
* **$tt** - creates a temp table definition.

URL: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1318

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