Posted By

dvdrtrgn on 09/10/08



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  1. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
  2. <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
  3. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
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  9. <body id="snippets">
  10. <div id="viewsource">
  11. <textarea rows="25" class="copysource">
  12. alert('hi');
  13. /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  14. /* expandable generic node object */
  15. function
  16. Branch(N){var T=this;T.P='[object Tree]';T.N=T.I=T.P;if(N){T.N=N;T.I='window[&quot;'+T.N+'&quot;]'}};
  17. Branch.prototype.grow=function(N){
  18. if(!N)return;var T=this;var Tt=T[N]=new Branch();
  19. Tt.N=N; Tt.I=''+T.I+'[&quot;'+N+'&quot;]'; Tt.P=T};
  20. Branch.prototype.toString=function(){return this.I};
  21. function /* a convenient preparation of a branch */
  22. Tree(str){return window[str]=new Branch(str)}
  24. /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  25. </div>
  26. </body>
  27. </html>

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