/ Published in: CSS
Using a sibling relationship in CSS allows all kinds of tooltips effects without scripting or a lot of coding. There are a bunch of different effects on the page and the possibilities are limited only by imagination.
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The HTML: <div class="tipWrapper"> <span class="tipbox spanlink">In the horizontal</span> <div class="tiphor"> You can get some wild effects by playing with the borders and shadows.</div></div> <div id="vslide" class="tipWrapper"><span id="tboxv" class="tipbox spanlink">or in the vertical</span> <div class="tipvert">This tooltip can go up or down to fit into any design.</div></div> CSS for horizontal: .tiphor { position:absolute; visibility:hidden; overflow:hidden; z-index:0; top:0px; left:0px; width:4px; height:4.5em; background-color:white; } .tipbox:hover { visibility:visible; width:150px; height:4em; overflow:hidden; } .spanlink:hover~.tiphor { left:150px; transition:left 2s; width:160px; visibility:visible; } CSS for vertical: #tboxv { width:160px; } .tipvert { position:absolute; visibility:hidden; overflow:hidden; z-index:0; top:0px; left:0px; width:4px; height:4.5em; background-color:white; } .spanlink:hover~.tipvert { top:-5em; transition:top 2s; width:160px; visibility:visible; } #hereseven { margin-top:8em; }
URL: http://coboldinosaur.com/pages/animated-tooltips.html