CSS - Page Component - Gallery

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CSS - Page Component - Gallery

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. .gallery {
  2. }
  3. .gallery p.heading {
  4. }
  5. .gallery .item {
  6. float:left;
  7. display:inline;
  8. margin:0 1% 15px 1%;
  9. }
  10. .gallery .item a {
  11. position:relative;
  12. display:block;
  13. }
  14. .gallery .item img {
  15. display:block;
  16. overflow:hidden;
  17. width:100%;
  18. }
  19. .gallery .item a .overlayicon {
  20. display:block;
  21. position:absolute;
  22. top:0; right:0; bottom:0; left:0;
  23. text-align:center;
  24. }
  25. .gallery .item a .overlayicon i {
  26. margin-top:22.5%;
  27. }
  29. @media (min-width:768px) {
  31. .gallery .item {
  32. width:32%;
  33. }
  34. #mid_col .gallery .item {
  35. width:49%;
  36. }
  37. #left_col .gallery .item,
  38. #right_col .gallery .item {
  39. width:32%;
  40. }
  41. #wide_col .gallery .item {
  42. width:23.5%;
  43. }
  44. .gallery .item.bookend-left {
  45. margin-left:0;
  46. clear:both;
  47. }
  48. .gallery .item.bookend-right {
  49. margin-right:0;
  50. float:right;
  51. }
  52. .gallery .item a img {
  53. }
  55. }
  57. @media (max-width:767px) {
  59. .gallery .item {
  60. width:49%!important;
  61. }
  62. .gallery .item.odd {
  63. margin-left:0;
  64. clear:both;
  65. }
  66. .gallery .item.even {
  67. float:right;
  68. margin-right:0;
  69. }
  70. .gallery .item.even a {
  71. }
  72. .gallery .item a img {
  73. width:100%;
  74. }
  76. }

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