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greencocoa on 11/11/13



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  1. <snippet>
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  35. \newtheorem*{definition}{Definition}
  36. \newtheorem*{theorem}{Theorem}
  37. \newtheorem*{aufgabe}{\large Aufgabe}
  38. \newtheorem*{question}{\normalsize Fragestellung:}
  39. \newtheorem*{exercise}{\"Ubung}
  40. \newtheorem*{taufgabe}{\small Teilaufgabe}
  41. \newtheorem*{challengeproblem}{Problembew\"altigung}
  42. \newcommand{\name}{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  43. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  44. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  45. %% put your name here, so we know who to give credit to %%
  46. }%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  47. \newcommand{\hw}{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  48. %% and which homework assignment is it? %%%%%%%%%
  49. %% put the correct number below %%%%%%%%%
  50. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  51. $1
  52. }
  53. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  54. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  55. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  56. \title{\vspace{-50pt}
  57. \large \name
  58. \\vspace{20pt}
  59. \huge ${2:Mathe} \hfill ${3:Hausaufgabe} \hw}
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  72. %% (we probably won't have much use for this)
  73. % \DeclareMathOperator{\sin}{sin} %% just an example (it's already defined)
  76. \begin{document}
  78. \begin{aufgabe}
  79. $5
  80. \end{aufgabe}
  81. \begin{question}
  82. $6
  83. \end{question}
  85. \begin{taufgabe}[$7)]
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  87. $8
  88. \end{align*}
  89. \end{taufgabe}
  90. $9
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