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A program I wrote for data analysis during my final project at university.
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'''A program to analyse and plot the data from an interferometer experiment with TK power meter.''' import os.path import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import string import glob import matplotlib font = {'family' : 'normal', 'weight' : 'bold', 'size' : 22} matplotlib.rc('font', **font) def generateListIncre(Min, Max, Increment): '''a function to generate and return a list of float values from 3 float inputs. Increments between Min and Max by Increment.''' newList = [] i = Min while i!=Max: newList.append(i) i = i + Increment if i > Max: print 'Error in incrementing function in generateListIncre - Line 45' return(newList) newList.append(i) return(newList) def tryFloat(rawInputString): '''is an exception handler - tries to convert to float - if fails repeats input request takes a raw_input() as an argument and returns a float''' try: floatArg = float(raw_input(rawInputString)) except ValueError: print '\nYour input produced a ValueError. \n Please ensure your input is an integer or decimal - no alphabet characters.\n' floatArg = tryFloat(rawInputString) return(floatArg) def getList(axis): '''a function to get the xList from user input. The axis argument is used to construct the user interface and represents the x, y or z axis''' optionError = True listArg = [] while optionError == True: incrOpt = raw_input('\nTo enter OPL (optical path length) as MAX,MIN and INCREMENT, enter 1. Else,' + ' to enter as a list enter 2: ') if incrOpt == '1': optionError = False minMaxValid = False while minMaxValid == False: MIN = tryFloat('Please enter the OPL minimum: ') MAX = tryFloat('Please enter the OPL maximum: ') if MIN == MAX or MIN > MAX: print 'Your values for MIN and MAX are invalid.' else: minMaxValid = True INCRValid = False while INCRValid == False: INCR = tryFloat('Please enter the increment: ') if INCR > (MAX-MIN): print 'Your increment is too large.' elif INCR == 0: print 'Cannot have a Zero increment.' else: INCRValid = True listArg = generateListIncre(MIN, MAX, INCR) elif incrOpt == '2': optionError = False finished = False print('Please input the list of OPL positions 1 at a time. To end the list, input end') i = 0 while finished == False: i += 1 tempInput = raw_input('Input OPL' + str(i) + ': ') if tempInput.lower() == 'end': finished = True else: try: listArg.append(float(tempInput)) except ValueError: print 'Please ensure the input is either integer or decimal. No alphabet characters.' i -= 1 else: print 'Your input produced an error, please enter either 1 or 2' optionError = True return(listArg) def processDataNoInput(freq,rootFolderName): '''a function to process all the data with no need for user input more than root dir''' outFileName = rootFolderName+str(freq)+'GHz_mean_sdev.txt' outFile = open(outFileName, 'w') outFile.write('Interferometer Measurements\n Nominal Frequency = ' + str(freq) + 'GHz\n') outFile.write('x(mm)\tMean (W)\tError (W)\n') dirList = glob.glob(rootFolderName+str(freq)+'GHz/*') for i in range(len(dirList)): if os.path.isdir(dirList[i]): dirList.pop(i); sortDirList(dirList) for i in dirList: print 'i = ', i inputFile = open(i, 'r') dataList = [] dataList = inputFile.readlines() dataList.pop(0) dataList.pop(0) dataList.pop(0) dataList.pop(0) for k in range(len(dataList)): dataList[k] = string.split(dataList[k]) dataMean = mean(dataList) dataSDev = sDev(dataList) outFile.write(str(i[findStartNum(i):])) outFile.write('\t'+str(dataMean) + '\t'+ str(dataSDev)+'\n') print '>>> data successfully written to ', outFileName return(outFileName) def mean(listOfData): '''takes a list(input) of data from TK Power Meter and finds the mean of all the voltages(returns float)''' sum = 0.00 total = 0.00 for i in range(len(listOfData)): tempList = listOfData[i] sum += float(tempList[1]) total += 1.00 mean = sum/total return mean def sDev(listOfData): '''takes a list(input) of data from TK Power Meter and finds the standard deviation of all the voltages(returns float)''' sDevMean = mean(listOfData) N = len(listOfData) sum = 0.00 for i in range(N): tempList = listOfData[i] operand = float(tempList[1]) - sDevMean sum+= operand**2 standardDeviation = operand/float(N) return standardDeviation def getXDistwErrors(dataList): '''generates a list of x values, a list of data points and a list of errors where the xvalues are dataList[i][0], data points are dataList[i][1] and errors are dataList[i][2]. Returns a nested list where nestedList = [xValues, dataPoints, errors]''' xValues = [] dataPoints = [] errors = [] for i in dataList: xValues.append(float(i[0])) dataPoints.append(float(i[1])) errors.append(float(i[2])) return([xValues, dataPoints, errors]) def findStartNum(stringArg): '''given string with number at the end, returns the index where the number at the end begins.''' i = len(stringArg)-1 while i > 0: if stringArg[i] in string.digits or stringArg[i] == '-' or stringArg[i] == '.' or stringArg[i] in string.whitespace: i-=1 elif stringArg[i] == '=' or stringArg[i] == 'x' or stringArg[i] in string.ascii_letters or stringArg[i] in string.punctuation: return i+1 else: i-=1 return i def sortDirList(dirList): '''sorts a listArg by list[i][0][30:]''' newList = [] numStart = findStartNum(dirList[0]) tempStr = dirList[0][:numStart] for i in dirList: newList.append([i[numStart:]]) finished = False level = 0 i = 0 j = 0 k = 0 tempList = [] checkLen = len(newList) while len(newList)!=1: while i < checkLen-1: finished = False while finished == False: if len(newList[i]) == j and len(newList[i+1]) == k: newList[i] = tempList[:] tempList = [] newList.pop(i+1) i+=1 j = 0 k = 0 checkLen = len(newList) finished = True elif len(newList[i]) == j: tempList.append(newList[i+1][k]) k+=1 elif len(newList[i+1])==k: tempList.append(newList[i][j]) j+=1 elif float(newList[i][j]) < float(newList[i+1][k]): tempList.append(newList[i][j]) j+=1 else: tempList.append(newList[i+1][k]) k+=1 if len(newList[-1]) == 1: j = 0 k = 0 done = False while done == False: if len(newList[-1]) == k and len(newList[-2]) == j: done = True j = 0 k = 0 newList[-2] = tempList[:] newList.pop(-1) tempList = [] elif len(newList[-1]) == k: tempList.append(newList[-2][j]) j +=1 elif len(newList[-2]) == j: tempList.append(newList[-1][k]) k += 1 elif float(newList[-1][k])<float(newList[-2][j]): tempList.append(newList[-1][k]) k+=1 else: tempList.append(newList[-2][j]) j+=1 i = 0 for i in range(len(newList[0])): tempStr2 = tempStr + str(newList[0][i]) dirList[i] = tempStr2 finished=False dirSame = False print('\nThis program analyses the interferogram data from the TK power meter and then plots a graph of x-position versus intensity.\n') while finished == False: dirFound = False if dirSame == False: rootFolderName = '' while dirFound == False: rootFolderName = raw_input('Please enter the data root folder: ') if rootFolderName[-1] != '/': rootFolderName+='/' dirFound = os.path.exists(rootFolderName) if dirFound == False: print 'Directory not found.' freq = raw_input('Please input the frequency the emitter is set to: ' ) iFi = open(processDataNoInput(freq, rootFolderName)) lines = iFi.readlines() lines.pop(0) freqString = lines.pop(0) unitsString = lines.pop(0) plotList=[] for i in range(len(lines)): plotList.append(string.split(lines[i])) plotList = getXDistwErrors(plotList) for i in range(len(plotList[1])): plotList[1][i]=plotList[1][i]*1000 plt.figure() plt.errorbar(plotList[0],plotList[1],yerr=plotList[2]) plt.xlabel('Position (mm)') plt.ylabel('Power ('+'mW)') plotTitle = str(freq) + 'GHz Interferogram' plt.title(plotTitle) fin = raw_input('If you need to analyse more data in the same rootdir, enter "1"\nif you need a new root dir, enter "2" \nelse enter anything: ') if fin != '1' and fin != '2': finished = True elif fin == '1': dirSame = True else: dirSame = False plt.show()