/ Published in: JavaScript

This is a more precise version of the native setTimeout(). It uses the same parameters as setTimeout, but adds a third parameter "resolution" which defines how often (in ms) to check for the time that passed.
// alert after 5 seconds with an inaccuracy of 20 milliseconds
var timeout = setExactTimeout(function(){
}, 5000, 20);
// comment out to show "done"
// alert after 5 seconds with an inaccuracy of 20 milliseconds
var timeout = setExactTimeout(function(){
}, 5000, 20);
// comment out to show "done"
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var setExactTimeout = function(callback, duration, resolution) { var start = (new Date()).getTime(); var timeout = setInterval(function(){ if ((new Date()).getTime() - start > duration) { callback(); clearInterval(timeout); } }, resolution); return timeout; }; var clearExactTimeout = function(timeout) { clearInterval(timeout); };