/ Published in: PHP

To keep up on important incidents on your site without having to dig through server logs the alternative can be custom logs.
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<?php // first we declare a class to handle the file operations. class logfile{ function write($logString ) { // this can be parameratized { $logString .="\n"; // insures each entry is on a new line return( true ); } else { return( false ); } } } // end logfile class function logAction($job,$cd,$msg) { // now we can create the custom code using the class //invalid must always be the last entry ... add more if needed // If the code is invalid return INVALID as the message type // customize the date format to fit your requiremments $theLog = new logfile(); // an instance of the logfile class $msgStr=$msgTypes[$cod].'{'.$cd.'}: '.$job.': '.$dt.'>>> '.$msg; // create the log message $theLog->write($msgStr); // this fires the file handling in the class } ?>
URL: http://coboldinosaur.com/pages/Custom_Logging_Site_Events.html