/ Published in: ActionScript 3

The convex polygon algorithm, which, as the name says, only works for convex polygons and is based on whether or not a point is on a certain “side†of every edge of the polygon.
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public function isPointInsideShape(_point:Vector3D, _shapeVerices:Vector.<Vector3D>):Boolean { var _numberOfSides:int = shapeVertices.length; var _i:int = 0; var _leftOrRightSide:Boolean = false; var _firstEdgePoint:Vector3D = null; var _secondEdgePoint:Vector3D = null; while(_i < _numberOfSides) { _firstEdgePoint = _shapeVertices[_i]; _secondEdgePoint = _shapeVertices[(_i + 1) % _numberOfSides]; if(_i == 0){ // Determining if the point is to the left or to the right of first edge true for left, false for right _leftOrRightSide = ((_point.y - _firstEdgePoint.y) * (_secondEdgePoint.x - _firstEdgePoint.x)) - ((_point.x - _firstEdgePoint.x) * (_secondEdgePoint.y - _firstEdgePoint.y)) > 0; } else { // Now all edges must be on the same side if(_leftOrRightSide && ((_point.y - _firstEdgePoint.y) * (_secondEdgePoint.x - _firstEdgePoint.x)) - ((_point.x - _firstEdgePoint.x) * (_secondEdgePoint.y - _firstEdgePoint.y)) < 0) { // Not all edges are on the same side! return false; } else if(!_leftOrRightSide && ((_point.y - _firstEdgePoint.y) * (_secondEdgePoint.x - _firstEdgePoint.x)) - ((_point.x - _firstEdgePoint.x) * (_secondEdgePoint.y - _firstEdgePoint.y)) > 0) { // Not all edges are on the same side! return false; } } _i++; } // We looped through all vertices and didn't detect different sides return true; }