/ Published in: PHP

Takes the content of a listview field an puts it into a global variable.
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<we:comment type="php"> The following listview counts the number of "reglements" entries and puts them by we:setVar into to global variable "totalP". This variable is then written by we:var as a green button in the navigation. </we:comment> <we:condition name="cond"> <we:setVar to="global" nameto="clientID" from="session" namefrom="cid" /> <we:conditionAdd field="pClient" var="clientID" compare="=" /> </we:condition> <we:listview type="object" name="paiements" classid="1" condition="\$cond" order="we_id"> <we:ifFound> <?php $totalP = $GLOBALS['lv']->anz_all; ?> </we:ifFound> </we:listview> <we:setVar to="global" nameto="totalP" from="global" namefrom="totalP" />