Python main with options

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Snippet to show how works optparse module to add optoins when it is called by command line

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  1. #!/usr/bin/python
  2. #-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
  4. from optparse import OptionParser
  6. class Options:
  8. def __init__(self, args):
  9. self.opt_parser = OptionParser()
  10. # this option create a boolean variable, that default is False
  11. # and if you call with -m param it will be True
  12. self.opt_parser.add_option( "-m",
  13. "--mouse_visible",
  14. dest="mouse_visible",
  15. action="store_true",
  16. default=False
  17. )
  18. # option that create a integer variable, defaultsv value is
  19. # 0 and when is passed it store the option value:
  20. # my_command -v 32
  21. # that stores 32
  22. self.opt_parser.add_option( "-v",
  23. "--necesary_value",
  24. dest="necesary_value",
  25. action="store",
  26. type="int",
  27. default=0
  28. )
  29. # parse args in array passed as param in __init__ method
  30. (self.options, args) = self.opt_parser.parse_args(args)
  32. def get_mouse_visible(self):
  33. ''' '''
  34. return self.options.mouse_visible
  36. def get_necesary_value(self):
  37. ''' '''
  38. return self.options.necesary_value
  41. if __name__ == "__main__":
  42. # options passed by commnand are inicializated
  43. opt = Options (sys.argv)
  44. print "Mouse is visible? %s" % opt.get_mouse_visible()
  45. print "Value needed: %s" %opt.get_necesary_value()

URL: python_parser_options

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