/ Published in: CSS

CSS Diagnostics allows web designers and developers to highlight invalid HTML using CSS selectors. Say goodbye to the font tag by highlighting it in a large obnoxious border. It also has the ability to highlight 404 pages, old CSS classes and old JavaScript function calls.
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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
/* Empty Attributes */ img[alt=""], area[alt=""], *[class=""], a[href=""], a[href="#"], *[id=""], *[title=""] { border: 5px dotted yellow !important; } /* Proposed Deprecation Due To CSS */ body[background], table[background], td[background], th[background], input[border], table[border] table[cellpadding], table[cellspacing], object[codebase], img[height], object[height], table[height], a[name], form[name], img[name], object[name], a[target], area[target], td[valign], th[valign], img[width], object[width], table[width] { border: 5px dotted orange !important; } /* W3C HTML 4 Strict Deprecated Attributes - http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/index/attributes.html */ applet[align], caption[align], div[align], h1[align], h2[align], h3[align], h4[align], h5[align], h6[align], hr[align], iframe[align], img[align], input[align], legend[align], object[align], p[align], table[align], body[alink], applet[alt], applet[archive], body[background], body[bgcolor], td[bgcolor], tr[bgcolor], table[bgcolor], img[border], object[border], br[clear], applet[code], applet[codebase], basefont[color], font[color], dir[compact], dl[compact], menu[compact], ol[compact], ul[compact], basefont[face], font[face], applet[height], td[height], th[height], applet[hspace], img[hspace], object[hspace], script[language], body[link], applet[name], hr[noshade], td[nowrap], th[nowrap], applet[object], isindex[prompt], hr[size], font[size], basefont[size], ol[start], body[text], li[type], ol[type], ul[type], html[version], body[vlink], li[value], applet[vspace], img[vspace], object[vspace], hr[width], td[width], th[width], applet[width], pre[width] { border: 5px dotted red !important; } /* Non W3C Proprietary HTML Attributes - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-standard_HTML_tags#Proprietary_HTML_attributes */ body[bgproperties], *[bordercolor], *[bordercolordark], *[bordercolorlight], body[topmargin], body[rightmargin], body[bottommargin], body[leftmargin], table[frame] { border: 5px dotted magenta !important; } /* Empty Elements */ /*span:empty,*/ /*div:empty,*/ li:empty, /*p:empty,*/ td:empty, th:empty { border: 5px solid yellow !important; } /* Proposed Deprecated Elements */ input[type="button"], input[type="reset"], input[type="submit"], tt, big, small { border: 5px solid orange !important; } /* W3C HTML 4 Strict Deprecated Elements - http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/index/elements.html */ applet, basefont, center, dir, font, isindex, menu, s, strike, u, listing, plaintext, xmp { border: 5px solid red !important; } /* Non W3C Proprietary HTML Elements - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-standard_HTML_tags */ audioscope, bgsound, blink, bq, comment, embed, fn, ilayer, /*image,*/ keygen, layer, limittext, marquee, multicol, nobr, noembed, nolayer, nosmartquotes, rt, ruby, server, sidebar, spacer, wbr, xml, blackface, shadow { border: 5px solid magenta !important } /* XHTML 1.0 Strict Deprecated Attributes - http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#h-4.10 - http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/changes.html#a_changes */ a[name], applet[name], form[name], frame[name], iframe[name], img[name], map[name] { border: 5px dotted lime !important } /* XHTML 1.0 Strict Prohibitions http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#prohibitions */ a > a, pre > img, pre > object, pre > big, pre > small, pre > sub, pre > sup, button > input, button > select, button > textarea, button > label, button > button, button > form, button > fieldset, button > iframe, button > isindex, label > label, form > form { border: 5px solid lime !important } /* Deprecated Classes From Old Website */ .toolbg, .ulnone, span.b, ul.list, .eleven, .lines, .wide, .select, table.form, form td.b, table .top, .gallerypic, .iegallery, .pic, .image, .transparent, .wht, .blk, .blue, .dkgray, .ltgray, .brown, .quote, .greyhover { border: 5px groove red !important; } /* Dreprecated JavaScript From Old Website */ input[onfocus*="normal1px()"], input[onfocus*="change1px()"] { border: 5px dashed red !important; } /* 404 Pages */ a[href*="/designs/web/web1/"], a[href*="/designs/web/web2/"], a[href*="/designs/web/web3/"], a[href*="/designs/aitp/aitp-fvtc/"], a[href*="/designs/aitp/aitp/"], a[href*="/forms/contact.asp"], a[href*="/forms/email.asp"] { border: 5px double red !important; }
URL: http://www.nealgrosskopf.com/tech/thread.asp?pid=17