/ Published in: Visual Basic

This code copies every variable line of a specified sheet to the next line of another the specified sheet. This code is usefull if you want to add a lot of different xls sheets in one sheet. After that you can use a pivottable to analyze the data. (this instead of opening every sheet separate and analyze it)
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Sub CopyRange() Dim oRange As Range Dim startColumn As String Dim endColumn As String Dim rangeStart As Integer Dim rangeEnd As Integer Dim myBook As Workbook Dim sh As Worksheet 'Dim ws1 As Worksheet Dim Wksht As Range Dim rangeT As Range 'Application.ScreenUpdating = False wk = Sheets("pres").Range("e5") startColumn = "D" endColumn = "R" rangeStart = wk + 2 rangeEnd = wk + 3 rangeEnd = 28 Set wb1 = Workbooks("Weekperformance 2012.xlsm") 'Set ws1 = wb1.Sheets("Mapping") Set rangeT = Sheets("Mapping").Range("A54:A84") For Each sh In wb1.Worksheets If LCase(Right(sh.Name, 4)) = "data" Then Set oRange = sh.Range(startColumn & rangeStart & ":" & endColumn & rangeStart) oRange.Copy oRange.Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial xlPasteAll End If Next sh End Sub