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# This is a spider that can crawl RSS feeds in a version independent manner. it uses Mark pilgrim's excellent feedparser utility to parse RSS feeds. You can read about the nightmares of RSS incompatibility [here](http://diveintomark.org/archives/2004/02/04/incompatible-rss) and download feedparser that strives to resolve it from [here](http://feedparser.org/docs/) # The scripts processes only certain elements in the feeds(title, link and summary) # The items may be saved in the Item pipeline which I leave to you. # # Please let me know about any discrepencies you may find in the technical and functional aspects of this scipt. # # -Sid from scrapy.spider import BaseSpider from scrapy.selector import HtmlXPathSelector from scrapy.selector import XmlXPathSelector from scrapy.http import Request import feedparser import re import urlparse class RSSSpider(BaseSpider): name = "rssspider" allowed_domain = ["news.google.com"] start_urls = [ "http://news.google.com/" ] _date_pattern = re.compile( \ r'(\d{,2})/(\d{,2})/(\d{4}) (\d{,2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})'); _http_pattern = re.compile(r'^http:\/\/'); _gathered_fields = ('published_parsed' ,'title' , 'link' ,'summary'); def parse(self, response): #recieve Parsed urls here... hxs = HtmlXPathSelector(response) base_url = response.url; res = urlparse.urlparse(base_url); self.allowed_domain = [res.netloc]; print ('**********BASE URL********',base_url); links = hxs.select('//a/@href').extract(); self.num_links = len(links); self.num_links_proc = 0; print 'Number of links TBP %s'%(self.num_links); for url in links: #TODO: Inform mongo about progress if(self._http_pattern.match(url)): # this is an absolute URL if url.find(self.allowed_domain[0])!=-1 : try: #callback should be in a separate function. Otherwise all links in this will be crawled too as this function is recursive. yield Request(url, callback=self.first_level_links); except: pass; else: # this was an absolute URL but the domain was not the same, so dont crawl pass else: #relative URL we should try to append the domain and fetch the page yield Request(urlparse.urljoin(base_url, url), callback=self.first_level_links); # This page will process the first level links def first_level_links(self, response): print('****First Level links:',response.url); r = self.detect_feed(response); if r: yield r; pass # detect an RSS Feed and return a RssFeedItem Object def detect_feed(self, response): """Just detects the feed in the links and returns an Item""" xxs = XmlXPathSelector(response); '''Need to tweak the feedparser lib to just use the headers from response instead of d/l the feed page again, rather than d/l it again ''' if any(xxs.select("/%s" % feed_type) for feed_type in ['rss', 'feed', 'xml', 'rdf']): try: rssFeed = feedparser.parse(response.url); return self.extract_feed(rssFeed) except: raise Exception('Exception while parsing/extracting the feed') return None def extract_feed(self, parsed_feed): """ Takes a feed from the feedparser and returns the constructed items """ if hasattr(parsed_feed.feed, 'link') and (hasattr(parsed_feed.feed,'title') or hasattr(parsed_feed.feed,'description')) and parsed_feed.entries: r = RssFeedItem(); if 'title' in parsed_feed.feed: r['title'] = parsed_feed.feed.title; if 'subtitle' in parsed_feed.feed: r['summary'] = parsed_feed.feed.subtitle if 'link' in parsed_feed.feed: r['link'] = parsed_feed.feed.link # entries gathered as list(s) of key value pairs. Each list is an entry item entry_lists= [[ {i: entry[i]} for i in entry if i in self._gathered_fields ]for entry in parsed_feed.entries if hasattr(entry,'title') and hasattr(entry,'link') and hasattr(entry,'summary') ] for entry_list in entry_lists: entry_item = RssEntryItem(); for entry_dict in entry_list: if r.has_key('entries') == False: r['entries'] = list(); if 'published_parsed' in entry_dict: entry_item.update({ 'published':date_handler(entry_dict('published_parsed'))}); else: entry_item.update(entry_dict); r['entries'].append(entry_item); if r['entries']: return r; # if there are no entries return null return None; def dateHandler(self, dateString): """parse a UTC date in MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS format""" month, day, year, hour, minute, second = \ self._date_pattern.search(dateString).groups() return (int(year), int(month), int(day), \ int(hour), int(minute), int(second), 0, 0, 0); class MalformedURLException(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) class RssFeedItem(Item): title = Field()# the Title of the feed link = Field()# the URL to the web site(not the feed) summary = Field();# short description of feed entries = Field();# will contain the RSSEntrItems class RssEntryItem(RssFeedItem): published = Field() # Snippet imported from snippets.scrapy.org (which no longer works) # author: itissid # date : Feb 20, 2011