Javascript Basic Date Formatter

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Javascript Basic Date Formatter

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  1. function DateFmt() {
  2. this.dateMarkers = {
  3. d:['getDate',function(v) { return ("0"+v).substr(-2,2)}],
  4. m:['getMonth',function(v) { return ("0"+v).substr(-2,2)}],
  5. n:['getMonth',function(v) {
  6. var mthNames = ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"];
  7. return mthNames[v];
  8. }],
  9. w:['getDay',function(v) {
  10. var dayNames = ["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"];
  11. return dayNames[v];
  12. }],
  13. y:['getFullYear'],
  14. H:['getHours',function(v) { return ("0"+v).substr(-2,2)}],
  15. M:['getMinutes',function(v) { return ("0"+v).substr(-2,2)}],
  16. S:['getSeconds',function(v) { return ("0"+v).substr(-2,2)}],
  17. i:['toISOString',null]
  18. };
  20. this.format = function(date, fmt) {
  21. var dateMarkers = this.dateMarkers
  22. var dateTxt = fmt.replace(/%(.)/g, function(m, p){
  23. var rv = date[(dateMarkers[p])[0]]()
  25. if ( dateMarkers[p][1] != null ) rv = dateMarkers[p][1](rv)
  27. return rv
  28. });
  30. return dateTxt
  31. }
  32. }
  34. fmt = new DateFmt()
  35. v = fmt.format(new Date(),"%w %d:%n:%y - %H:%M:%S %i")

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