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Requires: SchemaCollector.ttinclude that I created.
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<#@ template debug="true" hostSpecific="true" #> <#@ output extension=".cs" #> <#@ Assembly Name="System.Core.dll" #> <#@ Assembly Name="System.Windows.Forms.dll" #> <#@ import namespace="System" #> <#@ import namespace="System.IO" #> <#@ import namespace="System.Diagnostics" #> <#@ import namespace="System.Linq" #> <#@ import namespace="System.Collections" #> <#@ import namespace="System.Collections.Generic" #> <#@ assembly name="System.Xml.dll" #> <#@ assembly name="System.Data.dll" #> <#@ import namespace="System.Data" #> <#@ import namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" #> <#@ include file="SchemaCollector.ttinclude" #> using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Reflection; namespace YOURNAMESPACE { <# DatabaseInfo dbInfo = DataCollector.SchemaCollector("SERVER","DATABASE"); List<TableInfo> tables = dbInfo.Tables; #> //######################################################################################################### // This file has been generated from the tables contained in the <#= dbInfo.Name #> database. // Changes to this file will be overwritten when the file is regenerated. //######################################################################################################### <# // GENERATE TABLE TYPES foreach (TableInfo table in tables) { #> public class <#= table.Name #> : IConfigTable { <# PushIndent(" "); foreach (ColumnInfo col in table.Columns) { WriteLine("public " + col.Type + " " + col.Name+ " { get; set; }"); } PopIndent(); #> } <# } #> }